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Autobiography of Mother Jones

Autobiography of Mother Jones

by Mary Harris Jones

Mother Jones is one of the most forceful and picturesque figures of the American labor movement. She is a born crusader. In an earlier period of the world she would have joined with Peter the Hermit in leading the crusaders against the Saracens. At a later period, she would have joined John Brown in his mad, heroic effort to liberate the slaves. Li..

In the wake of the buccaneers

In the wake of the buccaneers

by Alpheus Hyatt Verrill

There is no more entrancing body of water in either the Western or the Eastern Hemisphere—than the Caribbean Sea, with a fringe of lovely tropical islands on the one side and on the other the Spanish Main and its picturesque centuries-old towns and fascinating sights. Aside from its beauty, its delightful climate, and its ever-shifting scenes, the ..

Pictures by Gavarni

Pictures by Gavarni

by Paul Gavarni

The pictures are selected from the two volumes of Gavarni’s “Œuvres Choisies” published by Hetzel, Paris, 1846-8. In choosing them the publishers have been careful to exclude any illustrations likely to offend English taste or too local in interest for the allusions to be generally intelligible...

Life of Charles T. Walker, D.D.

Life of Charles T. Walker, D.D.

by Silas Xavier Floyd

There is no species of literary composition more difficult than the writing of a good biography. Biographers are under a great temptation at times to create, or at least to magnify, the virtues of their subjects; and the temptation is not less on other occasions to deny, or greatly to minify, their vices. Dr. Walker has been an earnest student ever..

Race Distinctions in American Law

Race Distinctions in American Law

by Gilbert Thomas Stephenson

America has to-day no problem more perplexing and disquieting than that of the proper and permanent relations between the white and the colored races. Although it concerns most vitally the twenty millions of Caucasians and the eight millions of Negroes in eleven States of the South, still it is a national problem, because whatever affects one part ..

Working With the Hands

Working With the Hands

by Booker T. Washington

There are few subjects that are more important to the people of all sections of the country than emphasising the value of labour with the hands. It has an especial interest for the people who dwell in small towns and in country districts. It has an interest for the farmer, the mechanic, and for the woman who is engaged in domestic work, as well as ..

Knott's pop-corn book

Knott's pop-corn book

by E. R. Knott

After every man, woman and child gets to know its pleasant taste and its food value, the world consumption of pop-corn is going to be something tremendous.The ear Consider that pop-corn contains the whole of the grain, and that the grain is thoroughly cooked. It is a healthful, nourishing food. It is pure. It is a poor man’s confection and food com..

Eminent literary and scientific men of Italy, Spain, and Portugal Vol. 2 (of 3)

Eminent literary and scientific men of Italy, Spain, and Portugal Vol. 2 (of 3)

by Bryce Walton

The history of the life and labours of Galileo is pregnant with a peculiar interest to the general reader, as well as to the philosopher. His brilliant discoveries, the man of science regards as his peculiar property; the means by which they were made, and the developement of his intellectual character, belong to the logician and to the philosopher..