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Eminent literary and scientific men of Italy, Spain, and Portugal. Vol. 3 (of 3)

Eminent literary and scientific men of Italy, Spain, and Portugal. Vol. 3 (of 3)

by James Montgomery

Garcilaso did not, however, long enjoy the leisure that he so well employed. Charles V., whose great ambition was to crush the power of France, and to possess himself of a portion of that kingdom, was resolved to take advantage of the disastrous issue of Francis I.'s attempt upon the duchy of Milan, and rashly determined to invade a country whose a..

Graham's Magazine, Vol. XIX, No. 6, December 1841

Graham's Magazine, Vol. XIX, No. 6, December 1841

by George R. Graham

It was a merry day in Torbay castle. Never had a brighter sun shone on a fair lady than that which now poured its mellow beams over the gay hawking party assembled in the court yard,—while, as if all were exhilarated by the unclouded sky above, shouts, jests, and sallies, sly compliments and merry laughter saluted the ear on every hand. There was t..

What the Judge Saw

What the Judge Saw

by Edward Abbott Parry

What the Judge Saw: Being Twenty-Five Years in Manchester by One Who Has Done It.It would be absurd for modern visitors to Manchester, rushing away from the city in a luxurious dining car, plunging beneath the Disley Golf Links and emerging among the picturesque Derbyshire crags, to throw themselves into the romantic humour of the heroes of ’45 and..

Recipes Used in the Cooking Schools, U. S. Army

Recipes Used in the Cooking Schools, U. S. Army

by U. S. Army

Recipes Used in the Cooking Schools, U. S. Army by United States. Army.Bean soup (for 20 men): Take 3 pounds beans and soak overnight in about 2 quarts of water. When ready to make the soup add 2 quarts of boiling water and let boil for about 2 hours, or till done. Add ¼ pound fine chopped onions and season with salt and pepper to taste. Strai..

The Memoirs of Lieut. Henry Timberlake

The Memoirs of Lieut. Henry Timberlake

by Henry Timberlake

After extracting this detail from my Journal, and supplying many circumstances from my memory, I was very much at a loss what title to give it. Memoirs seemed to answer my design with the greatest propriety; but that being so commonly misapplied, I was afraid the public would expect a romance, where I only intended laying down a few facts, for the ..

Milestones in the Mighty Age of Steam -  The Grasshopper and the Corliss

Milestones in the Mighty Age of Steam - The Grasshopper and the Corliss

by Anonymous

When James Watt gave the world the condensing steam engine in 1788 he ushered in an era in man’s progress which brought with it the Industrial Revolution and fundamental changes in our way of life. Steam has made possible the development of our vast industries, our modern transportation on land and on sea, and an immeasurable expansion of the horiz..

The Physical Training of Children

The Physical Training of Children

by Pye Henry Chavasse

Nothing is more to be regretted than the fact that the females of this country grow up to womanhood in entire ignorance of all that relates to their future condition as parents, and the physical and mental development of the young for whose welfare they may yet be so deeply responsible. “It is not to be wondered at that when the young wife finds he..

Bob Taylor's Magazine, Vol. I, No. 1, April 1905

Bob Taylor's Magazine, Vol. I, No. 1, April 1905

by Robert L. Taylor

One of the most brilliant civilizations that ever flourished in the history of the world staggered and fell with broken sword and shattered shield on that dark day when the flag of Southern hope and glory went down in blood and tears. Its decimated armies, too exhausted from loss of blood to longer pull the trigger, too weak from starvation to char..