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Stain Removal from Fabrics -  Home Methods

Stain Removal from Fabrics - Home Methods

by Margaret Smith Furry

Off with stains! Keep clothes and home fabrics spotlessly clean. It is smart and thrifty to take best care of your clothing and household fabrics so they will look well and last as long as possible.Many stained and spotted articles are needlessly thrown away each year. Many others are needlessly ruined by unsuccessful attempts to remove stains. It ..

The Maid of Orleans

The Maid of Orleans

by Friedrich Henning

The life story of Joan of Arc, as told in this volume, closely follows the historical facts as well as the official records bearing upon her trial and burning for “heresy, relapse, apostasy, and idolatry.” It naturally divides into two parts. First, the simple pastoral life of the shepherd maiden of Domremy, which is charmingly portrayed; the visio..

Apples in Appealing Ways [1951]

Apples in Appealing Ways [1951]

by Mary T. Swickard

Almost everyone enjoys apples. And there are so many ways to use apples that a family need never tire of them.This leaflet is designed to supplement the better-known apple recipes given in many cook books. You will find here some new apple adventures and some variations on favorite ways of using the fruit. Recipes calling for applesauce and apple j..

Life of James Mars, a Slave Born and Sold in Connecticut

Life of James Mars, a Slave Born and Sold in Connecticut

by James Mars

When I made up my mind to write this story, it was not to publish it, but it was at the request of my sister that lived in Africa, and has lived there more than thirty years. She had heard our parents tell about our being slaves, but she was not born until a number of years after they were free. When the war in which we have been engaged began, the..

The Last Days of the Romanovs

The Last Days of the Romanovs

by George Gustav Telberg

The narrative of Mr. Robert Wilton which supplements the translations of the official records is, we think, a document of incalculable value. Written by a man who for sixteen years was correspondent for the London Times in Russia, and who not only speaks Russian but was present throughout the investigation of the scene of the murder and during the ..

Charles Peace, or The Adventures of a Notorious Burglar

Charles Peace, or The Adventures of a Notorious Burglar

by Anonymous

Charles Peace alias John Ward, whose life and adventures form the subject-matter of our story, has gained for himself a reputation equal, if not superior, to the lawless ruffians, Jack Sheppard, Dick Turpin, and others of a similar class. He is a union of various elements. In more senses than one he was a local character. Born in Sheffield he ..

Mirabilia descripta -  The wonders of the East

Mirabilia descripta - The wonders of the East

by Friar Jordanus

The book itself does not add anything to our knowledge; but the observations of a traveller who resided in India so far back as the beginning of the fourteenth century must be very dull indeed if sufficient interest cannot be derived from their date to make them acceptable. Nor do I think our author is dull, whilst I regret that he is so brief, and..

Pioneer Work in Opening the Medical Profession to Women

Pioneer Work in Opening the Medical Profession to Women

by Elizabeth Blackwell

It is a great advantage to have been born one of a large family group of healthy, active children, surrounded by wholesome influences.  The natural and healthy discipline which children exercise upon one another, the variety of tastes and talents, the cheerful companionship, even the rivalries, misunderstandings, and reconciliations where free..