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Grandma's Recipes for Mother and Daughter

Grandma's Recipes for Mother and Daughter

by Anonymous

GRANDMA’S RECIPES for MOTHER AND DAUGHTER BREADS, MEATS, VEGETABLES CAKES, COOKIES, DESSERTS Molasses, a product of sugar cane, is a part of the American tradition and has graced American tables since the days of the first colonists. It played a very important role in the building up of the early commerce of Colonial New England where it was and st..

Delicious Recipes -  Including Toll House Chocolate Cookies

Delicious Recipes - Including Toll House Chocolate Cookies

by Nestle

It was here in 1930 that Ruth Wakefield, a well-known dietician and lecturer, started her now famous inn, calling it “The Toll House,” where old-fashioned favorites and new recipes are carefully prepared and served in a modern atmosphere.Among these delicious recipes which Mrs. Wakefield has created is the new and different kind of chocolate cookie..

Paddy at Home

Paddy at Home

by E. De Mandat-Grancey

Agriculture has been subjected for some years past in all parts of Europe, and particularly in France, to a crisis so intense and terrible as only to be compared to that which Italy passed through at the time when, by the extinction of piracy in the Mediterranean, the transport of grain from Egypt and Algeria to Rome became possible. The effect of ..

The Youth of Washington

The Youth of Washington

by S. Weir Mitchell

The Youth of Washington: Told in the Form of an Autobiography by S. Weir Mitchell.My retirement from official duties as President has enabled me to restore order on my plantations, and in some degree to repair the neglected buildings which are fallen to decay. The constant coming of guests—moved, I fear, more by curiosity than by other reasons—is d..

The Escape

The Escape

by William Wells Brown

This play was written for my own amusement, and not with the remotest thought that it would ever be seen by the public eye. I read it privately, however, to a circle of my friends, and through them was invited to read it before a Literary Society. Since then, the Drama has been given in various parts of the country. By the earnest solicitation of s..

The Southern Case for School Segregation

The Southern Case for School Segregation

by James Jackson Kilpatrick

When this book was conceived, it was intended to be titled “U.S. v. the South: A Brief for the Defense,” but it seemed a cumbersome title and the finished work is not, of course, a brief for the South in any lawyer’s sense of the word. It is no more than an extended personal essay, presented in this form because the relationship that exists between..

The Sunny Side of the Street

The Sunny Side of the Street

by Marshall P. Wilder

In this little volume are offered recollections of the sunny side of many people. I have plucked blossoms from the gardens of humor and pathos, which lie side by side, and in weaving them into a garland, claim only as my own the string that binds them together.Nature has put up many effective brands of concentrated sunshine in small packages; but t..

Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, Fifth Series, No. 32, Vol. I, August 9, 1884

Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, Fifth Series, No. 32, Vol. I, August 9, 1884

by Chambers' Journal

Water bears a very important part in relation to the human system and preservation of health. It combines with the tissues of the body, and forms a necessary part of its structure. In the case of a man weighing one hundred and fifty-four pounds, one hundred and eleven would consist of water. It enters very largely into the composition of our food. ..