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The Girl's Own Paper, Vol. XX, No. 993, January 7, 1899

The Girl's Own Paper, Vol. XX, No. 993, January 7, 1899

by Various Authors

There is, perhaps, no word in the present day which has been more frequently used and abused than “culture.” It has come so readily to the lips of modern prophets, that it has acquired a secondary and ironical significance. Some of our readers may have seen a clever University parody (on the Heathen Chinee) describing the encounter of two undergrad..

Afghan Book No. 289 -  Afghans

Afghan Book No. 289 - Afghans

by Anonymous

Draw a loop of White through loop on hook and drop Scarlet. Working with White, insert hook under 3rd vertical bar and draw loop through, * yarn over twice, insert hook under next vertical bar on 3rd row down, yarn over and draw loop through, (yarn over and draw through 2 loops) twice (tr loop made); skip the vertical bar directly behind the tr jus..

Young Engineer's Guide

Young Engineer's Guide

by J. V. Rohan

Some two years ago the author commenced collecting memoranda of mechanical and practical information pertaining to the care and operation of steam engines and boilers, with a view of forming a systematic digest.Being an employee of the J. I. Case Threshing Machine Co. for a number of years my attention was called to the constant inquiry for a book ..

Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, Fifth Series, No. 34, Vol. I, August 23, 1884

Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, Fifth Series, No. 34, Vol. I, August 23, 1884

by Chambers' Journal

Exact statistics cannot be obtained of the number of grouse annually killed upon the Moors; but estimates of a reliable kind have occasionally been published, from which we learn, that as many as five hundred thousand annually reach the markets, in addition to the numbers given away as presents or ‘consumed on the premises.’ That this figure, large..

The Girl's Own Paper, Vol. XX, No. 1027, September 2, 1899

The Girl's Own Paper, Vol. XX, No. 1027, September 2, 1899

by Various Authors

Ada Nicoli was just eighteen when my story opens. She was the daughter of a wealthy New York stock-broker, who took little thought of the welfare of his wife and children. Indeed, he had little time to devote to anything outside the interests of Wall Street. He went to business early in the morning before his family were down, and returned in the e..

Travels in Nova Scotia in the Year 1913

Travels in Nova Scotia in the Year 1913

by C. G. Hine

Nova Scotia was a sudden inspiration, induced by the enthusiasm of a friend who had enjoyed a recent vacation here, and after some correspondence with Nova Scotians who knew their country, I selected the coast line between Yarmouth and Halifax.The afternoon of October 12, 1913, saw me venturing forth from Boston on the Governor Cobb. The day had be..

Du Bose Heyward -  A Critical and Biographical Sketch

Du Bose Heyward - A Critical and Biographical Sketch

by Hervey Allen

There was a fashion amongst a certain school of critics and literati of former years to go about the country with dark lanterns ready to flash their microscopic spot lights upon this or that author, as he emerged for a brief moment from the great North American obscurity, and to proclaim that he had or certainly would or could write the great Ameri..

Home Canning of Fruits and Vegetables

Home Canning of Fruits and Vegetables

by Anonymous

Organisms that cause food spoilage—molds, yeasts, and bacteria—are always present in the air, water, and soil. Enzymes that may cause undesirable changes in flavor, color, and texture are present in raw fruits and vegetables.When you can fruits and vegetables you heat them hot enough and long enough to destroy spoilage organisms. This heating (or p..