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Unnoticed London

Unnoticed London

by Elizabeth Montizambert

The following brief account of a few of the things that have interested me in London is not intended for the use of the inveterate sightseer, for whom so many admirable and complete fingerposts to the study of old London have been written, by such experts as Mr. Bell, Mr. Wilfred Whitten, Mr. E. V. Lucas, Mr. Ordish and Mr. Hare. It is meant for th..

One Hundred Cartoons

One Hundred Cartoons

by Oscar Edward Cesare

Brilliant and powerful interpretations of our times, by the man whose recent change from the New York Sun to the New York Evening Post gave the latter newspaper opportunity to congratulate itself on the good fortune which had enabled it, when for the first time in its history it decided to add a cartoonist to its regular staff, to obtain the servic..

Londinium, Architecture and the Crafts

Londinium, Architecture and the Crafts

by W. R. Lethaby

It is curious that Roman buildings and crafts in Britain have hardly been studied as part of the story of our national art. The subject has been neglected by architects and left aside for antiquaries. Yet when this story is fully written, it will appear how important it is as history, and how suggestive in the fields of practice. This provincial Ro..

Babies Are Such Fun to Dress

Babies Are Such Fun to Dress

by American Thread Company

With Pink and No. 4 needles cast on, 86 (92) sts. Work in K 1, P 1 ribbing for 5 rows inc 28 (28) sts evenly spaced in last row of ribbing—114 (120) sts. Change to No. 6 needles, and work in pattern same as sweater for 3¼ inches ending with 4th pattern row. 1st DEC ROW: Working in pattern * K 2 tog, K 17 (18), repeat from * across row—6 sts dec. 2n..

Bulkies [Sweaters to Knit and Crochet]

Bulkies [Sweaters to Knit and Crochet]

by American Thread Company

Block all pieces. Using the pieces as patterns, cut lining for Sleeves and Jacket Fronts, leaving a ¾″ seam allowance all around. Cut lining for Back, allowing 2″ for a 1″ back pleat and ¾″ seam allowance all around. Cut bonding material exact size of Sleeves, Fronts and Back. Trim ¼″ away on all edges. Tack edges of bonding securely all around to ..

Memoirs of Bertha von Suttner (Vol. 1 of 2)

Memoirs of Bertha von Suttner (Vol. 1 of 2)

by Bertha Von Suttner

It is a great gratification to me that the story of my life—which I cannot suppose to be of general interest except in so far as it is linked with the story of a world-wide movement—is now put before the great community of the English-speaking nations; for it is in these very nations that the origin of that movement is to be sought, and by them its..

Condiments, Spices and Flavors

Condiments, Spices and Flavors

by Mary Elizabeth Green

In this pamphlet no attempt has been made to give specific directions as to the uses of spices and condiments. It must be borne in mind that their usage results neither from the demands of fashion nor of a vitiated sense of taste, but from their own germicidal and preservative qualities. From the spiced and perfumed mummies of the Pharaohs to the s..

The Seven Lively Arts

The Seven Lively Arts

by Gilbert Seldes

This book was written while on holiday some three thousand miles away from data, documents, and means of verification. It is written from memory and, although I have had time and have tried to check up, I feel sure that the safest thing is to let it go as cautious merchants do when they send out statements—with the caveat: E. and O. E.—errors and o..