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The Wild North Land

The Wild North Land

by William Francis Butler

People are supposed to have an object in every journey they undertake in this world. A man goes to Africa to look for the Nile, to Rome to see the Coliseum or St. Peter’s; and once, I believe, a certain traveller tramped all the way to Jerusalem for the sole purpose of playing ball against the walls of that city.As this matter of object, then, seem..



by Mary Sturge Gretton

VENICE herself is poetry, and creates a poet out of the dullest clay.” It was a poet who spoke, and his clay was instinct with the breath of genius. But it is true that Venice lends wings to duller clay; it has been her fate to make poets of many who were not so before—a responsibility that entails loss on her as well as gain.She has lived—she has ..

Among Cannibals

Among Cannibals

by Carl Lumholtz

In the year 1880 I undertook an expedition to Australia, partly at the expense of the University of Christiania, with the object of making collections for the zoological and zootomical museums of the University, and of instituting researches into the customs and anthropology of the little-known native tribes which inhabit that continent.At the comm..

Sorrow in Sunlight

Sorrow in Sunlight

by Ronald Firbank

Looking gloriously bored, Miss Miami Mouth gaped up into the boughs of a giant silk-cotton-tree. In the lethargic noontide nothing stirred: all was so still, indeed, that the sound of someone snoring was clearly audible among the cane-fields far away. And, inconsequently, her thoughts wandered from the numerous shark-casualties of late to the munda..

Memoirs of Bertha von Suttner (Vol. 2 of 2)

Memoirs of Bertha von Suttner (Vol. 2 of 2)

by Bertha Von Suttner

It is a great gratification to me that the story of my life—which I cannot suppose to be of general interest except in so far as it is linked with the story of a world-wide movement—is now put before the great community of the English-speaking nations; for it is in these very nations that the origin of that movement is to be sought, and by them its..

Over 250 Ways to Cook and Serve Fish and Other Productions of the Sea

Over 250 Ways to Cook and Serve Fish and Other Productions of the Sea

by Anonymous

Cook books there are of all sorts and shapes, but strange to say the subject of Fish Cookery has been sadly neglected in all of them, and to supply this deficiency, the following collection of receipts has been carefully gathered and properly arranged for the convenience of the housewife, no time or expense having been spared to make the volume a t..

Ten Years in Washington

Ten Years in Washington

by Mary Clemmer

Ten Years in Washington or, Inside Life and Scenes in Our National Capital as a Woman Sees Them to Which Is Added a Full Account of the Life and Death of President James A. Garfield. A full account of the many marvels and interesting sights of washington; of the daily life at the white house, both past and present; of the wonders and inside wo..

The Negro And American Liberty

The Negro And American Liberty

by John Moore

It seems like a paradox to speak of the Negro as efficiently related to the cause of freedom in America. He was brought here and forced into slavery, in which condition he was held most of the time since the country was settled. He was treated not as a human being, but as property to be used only for the advantage of his oppressors. Some became fre..