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The omnipotent self, a study in self-deception and self-cure

The omnipotent self, a study in self-deception and self-cure

by Paul Bousfield

Many people, while not considering themselves as suffering from any nervous ailment, nor desiring the services of a physician, are yet far from being perfectly happy in their mental outlook and temperament. Either their feelings are too easily roused, or they are inclined to worry, to be depressed, irritable, nervous, or over-sensitive. Trifles whi..

The Passing of Morocco

The Passing of Morocco

by Frederick F. Moore

For several years I had been watching Morocco as a man who follows the profession of ‘Special Correspondent’ always watches a place that promises exciting ‘copy.’ For many years trouble had been brewing there. On the Algerian frontier tribes were almost constantly at odds with the French; in the towns the Moors would now and then assault and someti..

The Power of Music

The Power of Music

by Bryce Walton

A young Greek lady being brought from her own country, to Paris, some years since, was, soon after her arrival in that city, carried to the opera by some French ladies, supposing, as she had never heard any European music, that she would be in raptures at it; but, contrary to these expectations, she declared, that the singing only reminded her of t..

My Home in the Alps

My Home in the Alps

by Alice Le Blond

In this little volume, much of the matter in which first appeared in the St. Moritz Post, or, as it is now called, the Alpine Post, I have jotted down a few things of interest to the ordinary traveller in Switzerland. To climbers, my notes will be but a thrice-told tale, and one which, doubtless, many of them could tell far better, while not a few ..

Siberia To-Day

Siberia To-Day

by Frederick F. Moore

The attitude of mind with which a writer approaches his subject is the core of his book. My purpose in recording my observations and impressions while serving in Siberia is to tell such citizens of the United States as may be interested some of the things they may want to know about the Siberians.Officers of high rank in Siberia, and correspondents..

At the Queen’s Mercy

At the Queen’s Mercy

by Mabel Fuller Blodgett

We sat by the fire, Gaston Lestrade and I, one dark and stormy evening, for this was the end of the rainy season. We were in the African interior; fortune had dealt hardly with us. It is not needful to the purpose of this tale to tell by what and by whom we had come to so dismal a pass; enough that we found ourselves wet, hungry, surrounded by host..

Augustus -  The Life and Times of the Founder of the Roman Empire

Augustus - The Life and Times of the Founder of the Roman Empire

by E. S. Shuckburgh

Augustus has been much less attractive to biographers than Iulius; perhaps because the soldier is more interesting than the statesman; perhaps because the note of genius conspicuous in the Uncle was wanting in the Nephew. Yet Augustus was the most successful ruler known to us. He found his world, as it seemed, on the verge of complete collapse. He ..

Elementary Course in Woodwork

Elementary Course in Woodwork

by George Alexander Ross

The character and object of this book is set forth on its title page. It is a manual designed principally for the practical assistance of students in elementary woodwork in the Lewis Institute.The author has endeavored to present the subject in such a manner as to make simple the transition from the easier to the more difficult operations; the exer..