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Pneumonia -  Its Care and Prevention

Pneumonia - Its Care and Prevention

by Anonymous

Pneumonia is an inflammation of the lungs. Despite all the progress recently made in the treatment of the disease, it remains among the most common causes of death. Pneumonia is always a serious matter, and should be regarded as an emergency calling for immediate medical care.The inflammation of the lungs may be due to one of a number of different ..

The Girl's Own Paper, Vol. VIII, No. 374, February 26, 1887

The Girl's Own Paper, Vol. VIII, No. 374, February 26, 1887

by Various Authors

There is no doubt that in this country the present generation is far more luxurious than the one that preceded it. Living is to a great extent a question of habit. At the present moment a Russian soldier is paid at the rate of a shilling a month, and his only ration is rye-bread baked into biscuit, washed down with a draught of water. The British w..

Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art  -  Fifth Series, No. 52, Vol. I

Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art - Fifth Series, No. 52, Vol. I

by Chambers' Journal

Those who profess to know all about slavery will tell you that the negro was a thousand times happier as a slave than he is as a freeman. This may be true of some of the race; we do not enter into the question. The field-hand was in general an entirely irresponsible creature. He belonged to his master as thoroughly as the dogs and horses did, and h..

Nick Carter Stories No. 136

Nick Carter Stories No. 136

by Nicholas Carter

Information had reached Nick that some of the guests at the mask ball at the big hotel might be the men he was after. The hint had come to him anonymously, and he did not like it. Ordinarily he would have hesitated about giving such a message serious attention. He had the contempt of all decent people for unsigned communications of this kind.But he..

Nick Carter Stories No. 139

Nick Carter Stories No. 139

by Nicholas Carter

He was English to the bone. English in aspect, attitude, attire, and accent. English of the most pronounced and impressive type—but impressive upon as keen and thoroughbred an American observer as the famous New York detective chiefly because of the insipid and mildly obtrusive aristocracy that stuck out all over him.He was tall and slender. He wor..

Two Years Among New Guinea Cannibals

Two Years Among New Guinea Cannibals

by A. E. Pratt

This record of two years’ scientific work in the only country of the globe that has still escaped exploration purposely avoids the dry detail of a Natural History Report, such as might properly be submitted to a learned society, and is intended rather to set forth to the general reader the vicissitudes of the traveller’s daily life in unknown New G..

Bottoms Up -  An Application of the Slapstick to Satire

Bottoms Up - An Application of the Slapstick to Satire

by George Jean Nathan

Lolo tore at one of the roses with her teeth. “Oh!” she exclaimed, flinging out her arm wildly toward the ugly green wall-paper of her room that symbolized everything she so hated—“Oh, I know—I know! I do not want to think of them, but I—but we—must, Jason sweetheart, we must! And life so all-wondrous, beating vainly against their iron bars and loo..

A Text-Book of Horseshoeing, for Horseshoers and Veterinarians

A Text-Book of Horseshoeing, for Horseshoers and Veterinarians

by Anton Lungwitz

Horseshoeing is an industry which requires, in equal degree, knowledge and skill. The word “horseshoeing” embraces various acts, especially preparing the iron sole, the horseshoe; forming it and fitting it to the hoof, whose ground-surface has been previously dressed in accordance with the direction of the limb, and fastening it to the hoof by mean..