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The Autobiography of Upton Sinclair

The Autobiography of Upton Sinclair

by Upton Sinclair

All through my seventy-one years of writing life—I started at thirteen—I have had from my readers suggestions that I should tell my own story. When I was halfway through those writing years I accepted the suggestion and wrote a book called American Outpost. The major part of that book, revised and brought up to date, is incorporated in this volume...

Captain Bill McDonald

Captain Bill McDonald

by Albert Bigelow Paine

Captain Bill McDonald is a name that in Texas and the districts lying adjacent thereto makes the pulse of a good citizen, and the feet of an outlaw, move quicker. Its owner is a man of fifty-six, drawn out long and lean like a buckskin thong, with the endurance and constitution of the same.In repose, Captain Bill is mild of manner; his speech is a ..

Hilaire Belloc -  No Alienated Man

Hilaire Belloc - No Alienated Man

by Frederick Wilhelmsen

The ancient Arabs spoke of a creature having life in two worlds: his body was rooted in the earth, but his soul swept out across the horizons to a world beyond. Let us call him by his name: Man. This balance which is Man is a tension rarely maintained in the course of human existence. Let us call the one who situates his destiny in this world,..

History of the Cape Mounted Riflemen

History of the Cape Mounted Riflemen

by Richard Cannon

The character and credit of the British Army must chiefly depend upon the zeal and ardour, by which all who enter into its service are animated, and consequently it is of the highest importance that any measure calculated to excite the spirit of emulation, by which alone great and gallant actions are achieved, should be adopted.Nothing can more ful..

My Diary -  North and South (Vol. 1 of 2)

My Diary - North and South (Vol. 1 of 2)

by William Howard Russell

A book which needs apologies ought never to have been written. This is a canon of criticism so universally accepted, that authors have abstained of late days from attempting to disarm hostility by confessions of weakness, and are almost afraid to say a prefatory word to the gentle reader.It is not to plead in mitigation of punishment or make an app..

Why We Love Music

Why We Love Music

by Carl E. Seashore

Why does a person love his sweetheart, his food, his safety, his social fellowship, his communion with nature, his God, approaches to the ultimate goals of truth, goodness, and beauty? The answer to each of these is a long story, involving not only common sense and scientific observation but a profound intuitive insight, a self-revelation. In all, ..

A Gamekeeper's Note-book

A Gamekeeper's Note-book

by Owen Jones

A gamekeeper's notes are written for the most part on the tablets of his mind. He is a man of silence; yet he is ever ready to unlock the casket of his memories if old friends, and sympathetic, are about him. We have known keepers who could talk, when so minded, as well as they could shoot, making their points as certainly as they would bowl over a..

From Immigrant to Inventor

From Immigrant to Inventor

by Michael Pupin

Looking back over the development of this volume throughout the year or more during which I have been writing it, it seems to me that I cannot better express the end I have had in view than to repeat here what I wrote at the beginning of Chapter XI:“The main object of my narrative was, and still is, to describe the rise of idealism in American scie..