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Youth, Vol. I, No. 7, September 1902

Youth, Vol. I, No. 7, September 1902

by Herbert Leonard Coggins

It was in 1681 that the great Quaker completed the negotiations for the grant of Pennsylvania, and in the next year the first work of the building of the Proprietary House was begun. The plat chosen for its site was the one bounded by Front, Chestnut, Letitia, and High streets, the last now being named Market. In the place of the little cottage and..

Massage & Exercises Combined

Massage & Exercises Combined

by Albrecht Jensen

In this volume I have endeavored to place before the public a novel method of real scientific massage movements combined with exercises, so that the benefits of both may be obtained simultaneously. The simplicity of its technic together with its ready personal application make it possible for any individual to achieve excellent results from its use..

Father Thames

Father Thames

by Walter Higgins

England is not a country of great rivers. No mighty Nile winds lazily across desert and fertile plains in its three and a half thousand miles course to the sea; no rushing Brahmaputra plunges headlong down its slopes, falling two or three miles as it crosses half a continent from icy mountain-tops to tropical sea-board. In comparison with such as t..

Waheenee: An Indian Girl's Story

Waheenee: An Indian Girl's Story

by Gilbert Livingstone Wilson

The Hidatsas, called Minitaris by the Mandans, are a Siouan tribe and speak a language closely akin to that of the Crows. Wars with the Dakota Sioux forced them to ally themselves with the Mandans, whose culture they adopted. Lewis and Clark found the two tribes living in five villages at the mouth of the Knife river, in 1804.In 1832 the artist Cat..

Corea: The Hermit Nation

Corea: The Hermit Nation

by William Elliot Griffis

Turning with delight and fascination to the study of Japanese history and antiquities, I found much that reflected light upon the neighbor country. On my return home, I continued to search for materials for the story of the last of the hermit nations. No master of research in China or Japan having attempted the task, from what Locke calls “the roun..

The Hole Book

The Hole Book

by Peter Newell

Tom Potts was fooling with a gun(Such follies should not be),When—bang! the pesky thing went offMost unexpectedly!Tom didn’t know ’twas loaded, andIt scared him ’most to death—He tumbled flat upon the floorAnd fairly gasped for breath.The bullet smashed a fine French clock(The clock had just struck three),Then made a hole clean through the wall,As ..

The Lives of Celebrated Travellers, Vol. 3

The Lives of Celebrated Travellers, Vol. 3

by James Augustus St. John

MUNGO PARK: This enterprising and distinguished traveller was born on the 10th of September, 1771, at Fowlshiels, a farm occupied by his father on the banks of the Yarrow, near Selkirk. In common with the greater number of the sons of Scottish yeomen, Mungo Park, notwithstanding that the number of his brothers and sisters amounted to no less than t..



by Jac. P. Thijsse

Dan wilden wij zoo gaarne, dat de plaatjes niet alleen de verzamellust der kinderen zouden bevredigen, maar ook dat ouders en anderen er vreugde van zouden kunnen hebben,—dat er voor allen wat uit te leeren zou zijn, wat hun lust tot opmerken zou prikkelen, hunne liefde voor de natuur zou vergrooten. En toen stond het plan ons spoedig geheel voor d..