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Hilda's Home: A Story of Woman's Emancipation

Hilda's Home: A Story of Woman's Emancipation

by Rosa Graul

The author of “Hilda’s Home” preaches the gospel of Freedom—equal freedom, the gospel of Liberty coupled with responsibility. With Spencer she would say, “Every one has the right to do as he pleases so long as he does not invade the equal right of others.” With Macaulay, Rosa Graul would say “The cure for the evils of Liberty is more liberty.” Henc..

Twenty Years' Residence among the People of Turkey

Twenty Years' Residence among the People of Turkey

by Fanny Janet Sandison Blunt

No one who has talked with many people on the Eastern Question can have failed to remark the wide difference of opinion held on things which ought to be matters of certainty, and on which two opinions ought to be impossible. This divergence of view is only a very natural consequence of the want of any book of authority on the subject. How is one to..

Texas Pecan Recipes

Texas Pecan Recipes

by Reagan V. Brown

There aren’t many Texans who don’t have a special liking for pecans grown in the state, usually enjoying them straight from the shell. But now, more and more people are incorporating pecans in many different types of recipes. In this booklet we have included recipes for salads, main dishes, desserts, candies, and cookies.We hope that you find new w..

Our Changing Morality: A Symposium

Our Changing Morality: A Symposium

by Freda Kirchwey

The subject of sex has been treated in this generation with a strange, rather panic-stricken lack of balance. Obscenity hawks its old wares at one end of the road and dogmatic piety shouts warnings at the other—while between is chaos. And the chaos extends beyond ideas and talk, beyond novels and scenarios and Sunday feature stories, into the realm..

The Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine (December 1912)

The Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine (December 1912)


One Saturday morning in October the head-workers and some of the teachers of the Settlement School on Perilous were unpacking barrels and boxes on the front porch of the “big house,” a wagon having come in from the railroad the previous day. Christine Potter, the newest and youngest teacher, looked up from a box of books to see an odd procession ap..



by Frank Thomas Bullen

It may very well be that I am doing something now which is totally unnecessary, indeed that is a foregone conclusion as far as many omnivorous readers are concerned, for they never by any chance read a Preface or an Introduction. But only the other day I was reading an interesting volume of reminiscences, and the writer said that after the publishe..

The Wright Brothers

The Wright Brothers

by Fred C. Kelly

THE aim in this book has been to satisfy the curiosity of the average, non-technical reader regarding the work of the Wright Brothers, and to do so as simply as possible. No attempt has been made to go into minute technical details. Nor does the book cover the scientific researches and numerous inventions by Orville Wright since the death of his br..

Some Problems of the Peace Conference

Some Problems of the Peace Conference

by Charles Homer Haskins

The purpose of the lectures here published is to give a rapid survey of the principal elements in that territorial settlement of Europe which has been pronounced “the most reasonable part of the work of the Conference” of Paris. Each problem is placed in its historical setting, while at the same time the effort is made to view it as something deman..