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  • Nostromo -  A Tale of the Seaboard

Nostromo - A Tale of the Seaboard

by Joseph Conrad

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Nostromo: A Tale of the Seaboard is a novel written by Polish novelist Joseph Conrad, who is remembered as one of the greatest novelists in English language for his novels include Heart of Darkness, The Secret Agent and Lord Jim.

Costaguana, a fictional country meets political stability under the dictator Ribiera after a long run of tyrannical rules and civil wars. Charles Gould, owner of a silver-mining concession at port Sulaco. He supports Ribiera with his wealth for his business gains which depends on country’s stability. Greedy forces headed by General Montero, invades Sulaco to capture the huge wealth generated by Gould’s mines. To save his fortune reaching the spoilers hand, Gould asks the trusted Nostromo to shift the silver to be sold into international markets.

Nostromo’s bravery upraised him to a commanding position, though he never attached himself to upper class. Nostromo’s mission of smuggling the silver in a ship is accompanied by a journalist Martin Decoud. He overcomes an encounter by revolutionary forces headed by Colonel Sotillo and shifts the entire silver to a small lifeboat and deposits in an Island. While Decoud was securing the silver in the Island, Nostromo returns back to Sulaco and started similar daring acts to help the wealthy and crush the revolutionaries. Frustrated Decoud after suffering for months in the Island, commit himself to death on the sea.

At one point of time Nostromo felt his bravery in supporting the upper class did not bring the fame he expected and throwing himself to corruption by planning to secure the silver. While the only known person about the silver deposit is no more found at the Island, his search ends up in finding the silver which was secured by Giorgio Viola. Nostromo falls in love with his daughter Linda and started using the silver for his own wealth. One night his attempt to recover the silver becomes a fatal, as he was shot dead by Giorgio by mistaking him to be a trespasser.

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