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  • Notable Voyagers

Notable Voyagers

by Henry Frith

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Notable Voyagers is a children book which narrates the story of great voyagers of the world, written by William Henry Giles Kingston, an English writer of boys’ adventure novels and a traveler. His notable writings include The Three Midshipmen, Digby Heathcote, The Circassian Chief, Adventures in the Far West, The midshipman Marmaduke Merry, and Peter the Whaler.

This book contains most famous voyagers and their voyages starting from 1486 A.D. Some of the important voyagers included in this book are Columbus who discovered America, Vasco de Gama who discovered a sea-way to India, Fernando Magalhaens who discovered the Straits of Magellan, Sir Francis Drake, Cavendish, William Dampier, Anson, Captain Cook, Sir John Franklin, Dr Kane, Erik Nordenskïold, and Captain Sir George S. Nares.

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