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  • Noted Speeches of Abraham Lincoln

Noted Speeches of Abraham Lincoln

by Abraham Lincoln

Noted Speeches of Abraham Lincoln PDF edition and other Abraham Lincoln books available for free download from our library.


Noted Speeches of Abraham Lincoln is a part of series American History in Literature contains best known American speeches. Edited by LILIAN MARIE BRIGGS with biographical sketches, this book contains the popular speeches of the the Great American President Abraham Lincoln and would be a wonderful read for young readers who seeks concise accounts of the lives of Great Americans. Compiled in chronological form, it would be an anthology of speeches of the President.

Excerpt from the book

When Abraham was seven years old, his father, Thomas Lincoln, moved with his family to Indiana. It was a cold, dreary winter for them in the rude shed which Abraham, knowing well how to handle an ax, had helped his father to build. The following autumn found them in a better cabin, but brought to Abraham the loss of his mother, Nancy Hanks Lincoln, leaving his sister Sarah, eleven years old, to care for the household. But the next year the little home was much changed; for a stepmother had come, a woman of energy and thrift, who provided the children with comforts before unknown to them. She became very fond of Abraham and encouraged his inclination for reading and study. One year would probably cover all the schooling he ever had, butx he set to work with a will to educate himself, sometimes walking miles to borrow a book.

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