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  • Notes on My Books

Notes on My Books

by Joseph Conrad

Notes on My Books PDF edition and other Joseph Conrad books available for free download from our library.


Notes on My Books is a literary essays on the works of Joseph Conrad written by himself. The author states in his preface of the book as 

"It is only some such train of thought, or rather of feeling, that can in a measure explain the aim of the attempt, made in the tale which follows, to present an unrestful episode in the obscure lives of a few individuals out of all the disregarded multitude of the bewildered, the simple and the voiceless. For, if any part of truth dwells in the belief confessed above, it becomes evident that there is not a place of splendour or a dark corner of the earth that does not deserve, if only a passing glance of wonder and pity. The motive, then, may be held to justify the matter of the work; but this preface, which is simply an avowal of endeavour, cannot end here—for the avowal is not yet complete."

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