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  • Observations on the Oleum Jecoris Aselli, or Cod-liver

Observations on the Oleum Jecoris Aselli, or Cod-liver

by John Savory

Observations on the Oleum Jecoris Aselli, or Cod-liver PDF edition and other John Savory books available for free download from our library.


The introduction of a new therapeutical agent into general practice cannot fail to interest the medical profession and the public, and, profiting by the experience attained in a consideration of the manner in which former remedies have been brought into notice, extolled for their efficacy, persevered in for a time, and then gradually permitted to fall into disuse, and finally sink into oblivion, it will doubtless be useful to review the circumstances attendant upon the proposal now so generally entertained of the administration of the cod-liver oil for a variety of diseases and disorders.

The introduction of a new therapeutical agent into general practice cannot fail to interest the medical profession and the public, and, profiting by the experience attained in a consideration of the manner in which former remedies have been brought into notice, extolled for their efficacy, persevered in for a time, and then gradually permitted to fall into disuse, and finally sink into oblivion, it will doubtless be useful to review the circumstances attendant upon the proposal now so generally entertained of the administration of the cod-liver oil for a variety of diseases and disorders.

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