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  • Of Human Bondage

Of Human Bondage

by W. Somerset Maugham

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Of Human Bondage is a novel with autobiographic nature written by W. Somerset Maugham, a British dramatist remembered for his numerous novels and short stories such as The Seventh Sin, The Hour Before the Dawn, Miss Sadie Thompson and The Magician.

Philip Carey born with club foot, becomes orphan at the age of nine years, find shelter with his Aunt Louisa and Uncle William Carey. While Louisa cares him well, however William looks at him as a burden for them. Philip engages himself busy with the vast collection of books from his uncle’s library and eventually moves to a boarding school. Against the wishes of his uncle, he ignores a scholarship from oxford and wish to go to Germany.

His life at Germany was enjoyable, but he was unable to mingle with others during his apprentice, as he was foreseen by others as a gentleman. During his official visit to Paris, he finds interest in art studies and move to France. At France Fanny Price, a poor student falls in love with him, however commits suicide for financial crisis and her love was never known to Philip.

Unable to explode as an artist, he returns to his uncle house and eventually moves to England. There he falls in love with Mildred, who informs him about her decision to marry another man and disappears. The heartbroken Philip subsequently falls in love with a romance novelist Norah Nesbit. During this time Mildred re-appears as pregnant after abandoned by her lover who never married her. Philip breaks up with Norah and started supporting Mildred financially, however much against his wish, she falls in love with one of his friend Harry Griffiths and disappears again.

Soon he re encounters Mildred as a prostitute, and bring back her to his home as a maid. Now he no longer loves her, however Mildred advances towards him and eventually destroys his house after his decline. Philip continues his medical studies after inheriting his uncle’s wealth after the death and becomes a licensed doctor. In the preceding chapters he accepts an offer for stake at Dr. South’ s hospital as a gift against his marriage with his daughter.

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