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  • Old Mortality

Old Mortality

by Sir Walter Scott

Old Mortality PDF edition and other Sir Walter Scott books available for free download from our library.


Old Mortality is a novel based on progress of war of Scotland rebellions written by Sir Walter Scott, a Scottish novelist who enjoyed international readership during his lifetime. His notable works of Plays, novels and poems include The Lady of the Lake, Ivanhoe, and The Heart of Midlothian.

Covenanters, the rebellion group of Scotland assassinate Archbishop James Sharp and one of the assassins John Balfour of Burley could find shelter in the house of the protagonist Henry Morton. The consequences of providing shelter eventually lead Morton to active participation on Covenanters plots. Though Morton’s views are not as extreme as Burley, his affair with Edith Bellenden who hails from the family which is against Covenanters, questions his loyalty with the rebellions.

As a result he is treated as a traitor and eventually leading his trial and execution by Covenanters. Though he is rescued by the extremist faction of Covenanters, however he ultimately being tortured by fellow Covenanters and exile from the faction. In the preceding the incidents, political scenarios changes and James VII is thrown up and Morton reconcile with Edith.

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