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On Yachts and Yacht Handling

by Thomas Fleming Day

On Yachts and Yacht Handling PDF edition and other Thomas Fleming Day books available for free download from our library.


On Yachts and Yacht Handling is guide book written by Thomas Fleming Day, an England born American and the founding editor of a boat magazine Rudder. The author says in his preface that, the word sailing in the literary world only recalls the adventurous fiction stories or autobiographies of heroes. This is not a book for fiction readers, rather it has been written by the author out of his 30 years of seamanship, and his love for sailing.

Fleming Day is credited for winning the first annual boat race between New York and Bermuda. T. F. Day Trophy is awarded now in his name only. This book is written with illustrative pictures and actual photographs which details about boat building and seamanship with chapters categorized on various types of boating such as Seamanship, General Boats, One-Man Boats, Seagoing boats, Rigs, Sail as an auxiliary, Reefing, Anchors and anchoring, and Stranding.

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