Written by P. Schuyler Miller
The Ultimate Image
by P. Schuyler MillerThe Ultimate Image is a science fiction short story by P. Schuyler Miller. It was Bill Porter's voice. I put one hand on the balustrade and vaulted into the garden. From behind a mass of shrubbery came sounds of a struggle, and Bill's voice rose again.I plowed through where someone had gone before. Bill, his shirtfront awry, his coat-tails torn and..
The Facts of Life
by P. Schuyler MillerThus Professor Melchizedek Hobbs, principal of the Springville Free Academy, on the day long-gone when I began my higher education. I can see him yet, the apotheosis of the Victorian schoolmaster, Ichabod Crane, come to life: the sparse, sandy hair brushed carefully across his bony skull, his long nose trembling with the vehemence of his argument, ..