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  • Penmanship -  Teaching and Supervision

Penmanship - Teaching and Supervision

by Leta Severance Hiles

Penmanship - Teaching and Supervision PDF edition and other Leta Severance Hiles books available for free download from our library.


Reading, writing, and arithmetic have for long been looked upon as the fundamentals in education. And in very truth they are. Altogether too little attention has been given the expression of thought involved in the study of any school subject whether such expression takes the form of oral or written language. In fact, many failures in school and misunderstandings in actual life are due to inability to properly interpret text, read intelligently, or speak correctly.

In many instances the process is a slow and laborious one. The bodily positions assumed by pupils during the operation of writing are harmful. The effort frequently results in an illegible scrawl. Too often, little or no attention is given penmanship in the grades and consequently boys and girls go through life laboring under a serious handicap.

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