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  • Philip Rollo, Vol. II (of 2)

Philip Rollo, Vol. II (of 2)

by James Grant

Philip Rollo, Vol. II (of 2) PDF edition and other James Grant books available for free download from our library.


Philip Rollo or THE SCOTTISH MUSKETEERS is the second of two volume novel written by James Grant, who is also the author of "ROMANCE OF WAR," "JANE SETON,", etc..

Every day the old queen rode forth on a fat Danish horse, accompanied by Ernestine and other ladies; every day, at the same hour as yesterday, the guard presented arms at the gate—the officers saluted—the drum rolled—the pipe yelled, and for the remainder of that day all became quiet again. A few ships now—but very few, for war had desolated the cities of the coast—spread their white sails on the waters of the Sound, and listlessly we watched them from the lower ramparts, where moss and grass grew under the wheels of the unused cannon. I saw Ernestine frequently, but always briefly and in presence of her father; so that no opportunity was afforded to me for addressing her as my heart wished, and as vanity and hope told me she, perhaps, expected.

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