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  • Poems


by Arthur Hugh Clough

Poems PDF edition and other Arthur Hugh Clough books available for free download from our library.


A collection of poems written by Poems.

It was but some few nights ago

I wandered down this quiet lane;

I pray that I may never know

The feelings then I felt, again.

The leaves were shining all about,

You might almost have seen them springing;

I heard the cuckoo’s simple shout,

And all the little birds were singing.

It was not dull, the air was clear,

All lovely sights and sounds to deal,

My eyes could see, my ears could hear,

Only my heart, it would not feel;

And yet that it should not be so,

My mind kept telling me within;

Though nought was wrong that I did know,

I thought I must have done some sin.

For I am sure as I can be,

That they who have been wont to look

On all in Nature’s face they see,

Even as in the Holy Book;

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