PDF Books in Political Ideologies on Political Science
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Manifesto of the Communist Party
by Karl MarxThe duo's work of dialectical materialism is elaborated in this key political theory of communism and other aspects of socialistic changes Marx and Engels expecting to happen in the world. Unquestionably this work is an inevitable theory the world reads, whether it wanted to follow or not. Whether these theories were acceptable or not, one..
by Saint Thomas MoreUtopia, Written by Thomas more is recommended as most essential read along with “The Prince”, by Niccolo Machiavelli. Utopia is a philosophical work primarily concerned to guide the rulers which in effectively creates a better human society with ideal customs. The book is narrated in such a way that Utopia is a fictional Island where, ideal guid..
by Thomas HobbesLeviathan is a classic western work on statecraft written by Thormas Hobbes, an English philosopher remembered as one of the founders of modern political philosophy. Leviathan is ranked among the most influential works like Machiavelli's The Prince, as both books concerns about the structure of legitimate government and the society. It is a book..
Democracy in America - Volume 1
by Alexis de TocquevilleDemocracy in America is written by Alexis de Tocqueville, a historian and a French political thinker known for his masterpieces of "Democracy in America" and "The Old Regime and the Revolution". This book being the first of the two volumes, examines the seven hundred years of democratic revolution. The success of republican representative democr..
Democracy in America - Volume 2
by Alexis de TocquevilleDemocracy in America is written by Alexis de Tocqueville, a historian and a French political thinker known for his masterpieces of "Democracy in America" and "The Old Regime and the Revolution". This book being the second of the two volumes, examines the seven hundred years of democratic revolution. Analysis of separation of religion from the go..
Second Treatise of Government
by John LockeSecond Treatise of Government is a political treatise written by the English philosopher John Locke who is regarded as the "Father of Classical Liberalism". His thinking has influenced works of Voltaire, Rousseau, and even many American revolutionaries. Among his wfritings notable are A Letter Concerning Toleration, An Essay Concerning..
The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke Vol I of 12
by Edmund BurkeKnown as the philosophical founder of modern conservatism, Edmund Burke an Anglo-Irish has a multifaceted personality as political theorist, orator, author and philosopher. A strong opponent of the French Revolution, he had lead the conservative faction of the Whig Party and was praised by the nineteenth century conservatives and liberals. Hi..
Psychological Warfare
by Paul M. A. LinebargerPsychological Warfare is a non-fiction work written by the American science fiction novelist Paul Myron Anthony Linebarger better known by his pen name Cordwainer Smith. Other than this work, his notable writings include "Scanners Live in Vain", "Atomsk", "Ria", "Carola", and You Will Never Be The Same. He has been credited for ma..