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  • Practical Grammar and Composition

Practical Grammar and Composition

by Thomas Wood

Practical Grammar and Composition PDF edition and other Thomas Wood books available for free download from our library.


Practical Grammar and Composition is a simple text book written for those adults who did not have a formal education in English language yet need to communicate in English in their day to day life.  Unlike a text book, the purpose of this book is not to teach the readers the literary aspects of English language rather make them understand it as a day to day communication medium.  

Divided into eleven chapters, starting with forming sentences, the author takes the reader to a comfortable learning zone through simple methods of English grammars such as Elements of sentence, Phrases and clauses, Nouns, Pronouns, Adjectives, Verbs and use of Punctuations. There are exercises to let the reader check themselves of what they have learnt. Also special chapter available for learning letter writing which is a crucial aspects for the specific audiences of this book.

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