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  • Putnam's Word Book

Putnam's Word Book

by Louis Andrew Flemming

Putnam's Word Book PDF edition and other Louis Andrew Flemming books available for free download from our library.


Putnam's Word Book is a practical aid in expressing ideas through the use of an exact and varied vocabulary.  Have you ever struck up choosing the right word which your mind conceives and unable to put in words. If so, this is the right book for you. As specified in the preface, the author does not attempt to influence your writing by telling which word is appropriate to express the ideas conceived by your mind.

Rather the author leave it to you to choose the words, however a long list of likewise words have been put together to be chosen by you after reviewing the exact meaning of the word.  Louis A. Flemming humbly says that he has not made any attempt to completeness through this book, however points out that the comprehensiveness of it might be appreciated by the readers.

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