Written by R. R. Winterbotham
Equation for Time
by R. R. WinterbothamThe secret of time travel has been discovered. No one has traveled through time as yet, although man has explored the universe for more than twenty light years from the sun. But the day of time travel is not far distant. It had simple beginnings. All great things began in simple ways. Newton and the apple were the beginnings of modern understanding..
Message from Venus
by R. R. WinterbothamThe Venusians had one admirable characteristic. When they set out to do a thing, nothing could stop them. Captain Paul Bonnet had said something to this effect to Major Rogers and it made the old man so angry that he almost court-martialed the youth. Captain Bonnet glanced up into the sky, already dark with the ballooned bodies of the Venusian bipe..
A Matter of Ethics
by R. R. WinterbothamThe little jar of paint had brought it about. Homer had sent a jar like it to C. J. Fader suggesting that it be placed on the market. All Homer had wanted was a fat check, and a royalty which he could invest so he could retire someday. Instead, C. J. Fader had offered him a job. The Old Man, who ran the principal industry of Faderfield, would expec..
Problem Planet
by R. R. WinterbothamQuibblers may shove dictionaries in my face till the end of the universe and I will always maintain that almost anything you can name is a matter of good luck or bad. Every great man owes his success to luck of some sort. What made him great is what he did with his luck after he got it.Had I been born eleven years before Senator Clive Littlebrook, ..