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  • Rejected of Men

Rejected of Men

by Howard Pyle

Rejected of Men PDF edition and other Howard Pyle books available for free download from our library.


Rejected of Men is a story of  certain Roman scribes, priests and Levites told from another point of view.  This is an attempt to crucify the truth of the story which has been told in the divine history. The integrity of the very Church itself–the foundation of our entire system of social order–was threatened with destruction, and it was only in the extremity of our need and after all other courses of action were closed to us that we resorted to the last and sternest measure to save human society from destruction.

Written by the American Illustrator and author of books of young people Howard Pyle who had influenced many artists like  N. C. Wyeth, Frank Schoonover, Stanley Arthur, and numerous others studied under him. His notable writings inlcude The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood, Within the Capes, Pepper and Salt, The Rose of Paradise, The Wonder Clock Otto of the Silver Hand, and A Modern Aladdin.

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