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PDF Books in Relationships Fiction

Blotted Out

Blotted Out

by Elisabeth Sanxay Holding

James Ross was well content, that morning. He stood on the deck, one elbow on the rail, enjoying the wind and the cold rain that blew in his face, enjoying still more his feeling of complete isolation and freedom.None of the other passengers shared his liking for this bleak November weather, and he had the windward side of the deck to himself. He w..

The Husband’s Story

The Husband’s Story

by David Graham Phillips

Several years ago circumstances thrust me into a position in which it became possible for the friend who figures in these pages as Godfrey Loring to do me a favor. He, being both wise and kindly, never misses a good chance to put another under obligations. He did me the favor. I gratefully, if reluctantly, acquiesced. Now, after many days, he colle..



by Elizabeth Weston Timlow

Kayuna was the loveliest home in the world. At least, the Ward children said so. The family usually went out of the city as soon as the children’s schools closed, in June, and stayed in the country till quite the first of October.Kayuna was also the name of a brook that danced gayly through the lower part of the grounds of the summer home, and that..

The Thing Beyond Reason

The Thing Beyond Reason

by Elisabeth Sanxay Holding

The house was very quiet to-night. There was nothing to disturb Miss Alexandra Moran but the placid ticking of the clock and the faint stir of the curtains at the open window. For that matter, a considerable amount of noise would not have troubled her just then. As she sat at the library table, the light of the shaded lamp shone upon her bright, ru..

Dr. Paull's Theory: A Romance

Dr. Paull's Theory: A Romance

by Alice M. Diehl

Hugh Paull, house-surgeon to a great City hospital, was seated at his writing-desk. During his spare time he was working at a treatise on nervous disease, the special subject which attracted him. It was a day when a certain public event was disturbing the usual City routine. The thoroughfares near to the hospital were blocked, and his room was quie..

Rich men's children

Rich men's children

by Geraldine Bonner

The cold of foot-hill California in the month of January held the night. The occupants of the surrey were too cramped and stiffened by it, and too uncomfortably enwrapped against it, to speak. Silence as complete as that which lay like a spell on the landscape brooded over them. At the last stopping place, Chinese Gulch, a scattering of houses six ..



by H. De Vere Stacpoole

Kray has given up hunting these five years and is now manager of the Sellagman Salmon Canning Company, at least he looks after the fishing and the canning and gets two thousand dollars a year for the job, while I expect the real manager, the man who looks after the New York office and the prospectuses and so forth, gets ten—maybe more. I don’t know..

Troubled Waters

Troubled Waters

by Bertrand W. Sinclair

Life is a ghastly joke sometimes. It lifts a man to the pinnacle of his dreams—and then blows up the pinnacle. Instance this city man, turned logger. The first time I met Joe Galloway after he married, I envied him. A friendly, good-natured envy, you understand. He had attained what looked to me like genuine success; he had got somewhere, both in a..