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A Farewell Sermon

A Farewell Sermon

by Joseph Holden Pott

When time draws on to a close with us, the last opportunities should be carefully regarded and applied to some such purpose as may show what has been the chief aim and the main design of past endeavours. A sad thing it would be, indeed, if the last portion of our time were to be reserved for some single effort: for who can accomplish at one step th..

A Sermon preached at Christ Church, Kensington

A Sermon preached at Christ Church, Kensington

by William Wright

A Sermon preached at Christ Church, Kensington, on May 1, 1859being the day appointed for a general thanksgiving to Almighty God, for the success granted to our arms in suppressing the rebellion and restoring tranquillity in Her Majesty's Indian Dominions...

Biblical Revision

Biblical Revision

by Edward Slater

Among the characteristics of an Age replete with new and unlooked-for events, perhaps not the least singular and impressive is the desire, now extensively evinced, for an improved translation of Holy Scripture.A solitary voice, it is true, has been raised to the same effect, from time to time; but it has gradually died away in the noise of worldly ..

Christian Marriage Indissoluble -  A Plain Sermon

Christian Marriage Indissoluble - A Plain Sermon

by James Galloway Cowan

The following Sermon is printed, partly because some who heard it wished to possess it, and partly because it has been suggested to me that it would be useful for distribution as a tract.  It is simply what I have called it, “a plain Sermon,” written and printed for ordinary hearers and readers.God Himself deals with this whole question. ..

Plain Sermons, Preached at Archbishop Tenison's Chapel

Plain Sermons, Preached at Archbishop Tenison's Chapel

by James Galloway Cowan

Every one who has thoughtfully read that description of the Samaritans in the second book of Kings—“they feared the Lord and served their own gods”—must have been struck with the mockery, the blasphemy, the absurdity of such a fear.  Fear Him, who claims to be the only God, and yet regard many others as equally and independently gods!  Wo..

The Ritual Movement

The Ritual Movement

by James Galloway Cowan

These words are a general precept about Church order following up a particular remonstrance.  The Corinthian Christians, divinely distinguished by the number and excellence of the spiritual gifts and privileges bestowed on them, had, alas! distinguished themselves by anarchy, lawlessness, pride, self-will, self-sufficiency, uncharitableness, e..

The Booke of the Universall Kirk of Scotland

The Booke of the Universall Kirk of Scotland

by Alexander Peterkin

The Booke of the Universall Kirk of Scotland, Wherein the Headis and Conclusionis Devysit Be the Ministers and Commissionaris of the Particular Kirks Thereof, Are Specially Expressed and Contained.The printing of this, the earliest Record of the Reformed Church in Scotland, has now reached a period in the history of that Church, which renders it fi..

The Truth about Church Extension

The Truth about Church Extension

by Anonymous

The entire absence of criticism on the decennial tables contained in the report of Mr. Horace Mann on the Census of Religious Worship has filled the writer with equal surprise and concern.  For a period of nearly three years, hardly a week has passed without some injurious step on the part of the Government, some disastrous admission on the pa..