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An analysis of religious belief

An analysis of religious belief

by John Russell Amberley

The appearance, a few months ago, of The Analysis of Religious Belief caused not a little excitement in England, and its introduction into our country had much the same effect here. While many were more or less shocked by the Viscount's boldness of language in examining the sources of the religious creeds of the world, and at the freedom with which..

The Kashf al-mahjúb -  The oldest Persian treatise on Súfiism

The Kashf al-mahjúb - The oldest Persian treatise on Súfiism

by Hujviri

This translation of the most ancient and celebrated Persian treatise on Ṣúfiism will, I hope, be found useful not only by the small number of students familiar with the subject at first hand, but also by many readers who, without being Orientalists themselves, are interested in the general history of mysticism and may wish to compare or contrast th..

The Booke of the Universall Kirk of Scotland

The Booke of the Universall Kirk of Scotland

by Alexander Peterkin

The Booke of the Universall Kirk of Scotland, Wherein the Headis and Conclusionis Devysit Be the Ministers and Commissionaris of the Particular Kirks Thereof, Are Specially Expressed and Contained.The printing of this, the earliest Record of the Reformed Church in Scotland, has now reached a period in the history of that Church, which renders it fi..

Toleration and other essays

Toleration and other essays

by Voltaire

It seems useful, in presenting to English readers this selection of the works of Voltaire, to recall the position and personality of the writer and the circumstances in which the works were written. It is too lightly assumed, even by many who enjoy the freedom which he, more than any, won for Europe, and who may surpass him in scepticism, that Volt..

The Spiritual Improvement of the Census

The Spiritual Improvement of the Census

by R. G. Baker

The youngest of eight sons of one of the shepherds of Israel, and raised from that lowly station to the throne by the express appointment of Jehovah, it may well excite our surprise to observe his conduct on the occasion to which the text refers.  We might have supposed that the incidents of his early life, no less than the experience of his r..

The Truth about Church Extension

The Truth about Church Extension

by Anonymous

The entire absence of criticism on the decennial tables contained in the report of Mr. Horace Mann on the Census of Religious Worship has filled the writer with equal surprise and concern.  For a period of nearly three years, hardly a week has passed without some injurious step on the part of the Government, some disastrous admission on the pa..

The Diamond Sutra (Chin-Kang-Ching) or Prajna-Paramita

The Diamond Sutra (Chin-Kang-Ching) or Prajna-Paramita

by William Gemmell

This English version of The Diamond Sutra, translated from the Chinese text of Kumarajiva, owes its inception to successive conversations with a friend, profoundly interested in the interpretation of oriental systems of philosophy. During those conversations renderings into English were made of numerous passages from the works of Confucius, Mencius..

The Protocols and World Revolution

The Protocols and World Revolution

by Sergei Aleksandrovich Nilus

The Protocols and World Revolution: Including a Translation and Analysis of the "Protocols of the Meetings of the Zionist Men of Wisdom"The world is in the midst of a crisis not less serious than that of the great war. While it was inevitable that the period following the war should be fraught with grave problems for civilization, these problems ha..