PDF Books in Revenge Fiction
On the Brink of a Chasm - A record of plot and passion
by L. T. MeadeOn the Brink of a Chasm is a conspiracy fiction novel written by L. T. Meade, the author of “The Medicine Lady,” “A Soldier of Fortune,” Etc.There was a crush at Mrs. Evershed’s beautiful house in Mark Place, and she now stood at the head of the staircase receiving her guests. Her face wore a smile, and conventional words of welcome rose to her lip..
The Wizard of the Cliffs
by Arthur L. MeserveEver and anon as he paused for a moment, he could hear the savages coming on behind him, but he had no fear of their overtaking him. In a few minutes more he would be able to turn aside and let them go on in the wild pursuit, while he could stand quietly by and laugh at the trick he was playing upon them. Deeper and deeper grew the shadows in ..
A Personal Problem
by H. Bedford-JonesCranshaw did not sleep himself, however, for he lay motionless with his hand on an electric torch, and chuckled slightly as he listened to the irregular, panting breathing of the other man. Slowly through the surf-mutter there pierced other sounds—slight, thin, bird-like sounds, as though innumerable watches were ticking in the room. Hobson’s breat..