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Written by Robert Silverberg

Six Frightened Men

Six Frightened Men

by Robert Silverberg

The thing was at least sixty feet tall and all eyes and mouth. The mouth yawned, showing yellow daggers a foot long. As for the eyes—well, they burned with the cold luminosity of an intelligent and inimical being. I didn't know what the thing was. One minute I'd been examining an interesting rock formation, a second later I was hiding behind it, wa..

Woman's World

Woman's World

by Robert Silverberg

Coming up out of five centuries of sleep was like fighting my way up from the bottom of the sea. I was blind, I was choking, I was mangled by the pressure. All I could think was that I had to get up and out, up and out.My sleep-cramped brain battled toward consciousness. The blackness around me gave way to deep violet, then gray, then a vague color..