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PDF Books in Romance Fiction

Women in Love

Women in Love

by D. H. Lawrence

Another controversial novel from D.H Lawrence, Women in love explores the sexual intimacy of similar genders. Gudrun Brangwen and Ursula, encounter their pair through their pair Industrialist Gerald Crich and intellectual Rupert Birkin. As the relationships starts progress, both pairs realize the relationship cannot last long but what the sisters u..



by Petronius Arbiter

Satyricon is one of the oldest fiction work of Roman courtier Gaius Petronius Arbiter. While the most of the original manuscript is not intact, this work is narrated by the key character Encolpius and his efforts to retain his servant Giton from his friend Asciltos, who happened to be in intimate relationship with him. Though falls under Satire, th..

The Decameron

The Decameron

by Giovanni Boccaccio

The Decameron is novella written by Giovanni Boccaccio, an Italian poet narrated through a group of people in fear of black death.  These stories guide the way to live life encountering with romance, love, death, grief and fear. It would be noteworthy that Decameron has been referred in the works of Shakespeare and Saucer. ..

Under the Greenwood Tree

Under the Greenwood Tree

by Thomas Hardy

Thomas Hardy's pastoral novel Under The Greenwood Tree explores the triangle romance between School mistress Fancy Day, Church musician Dick Dewy and the vicar Maybold. While Fancy Day's beauty made Dick to be longing for her, Maybold loved her skills of playing modern organ music. Initially Fancy falls in love with Dick and gets engaged secretly. ..

A Pair of Blue Eyes

A Pair of Blue Eyes

by Thomas Hardy

Thomas hardy' s another tragic novel A Pair of Blue Eyes, explores the life of Elfride Swancourt, who was unfortunate to marry an elderly man, in-spite of being loved by Stephen Smith and Henry Knight in her early years. Henry Knight, a relative of Elfride's step mother wish to marry her. However knowing her early relationship with Stephen Smith, h..

The Trumpet Major

The Trumpet Major

by Thomas Hardy

The Trumpet-Major is a novel written by Thomas Hardy during Napoleonic wars and ironically with preliminary note by the author. Anne Garland's suitors the brothers John Loveday, serving British regiment and Bob Loveday, a sailor and Festus Derriman, a coward. While John fights in Peninsular War, Bob serving at Trafalgar. Though this novel does not ..

The Woodlanders

The Woodlanders

by Thomas Hardy

The Woodlanders is a tragic novel explores the adultery in the then England while divorce was not legalized. Grace Melbury's childhood love and romance with Giles Winterborne takes a break as her father felt Giles' financial status would ruin her life. Edgar Fitzpiers, a doctor persuades Grace's father to get her married. As their life progress, Gr..



by William Shakespeare

Cymbeline is a romantic comedy by William Shakespeare, deals with innocence, Jealousy and conspiracies. Losing his twin sons believed to have been kidnapped by the banished lord Belarius,  Brirain's King Cymbeline wants her daughter Imogen to produce heir for the Kingdom. Imogen's secret marriage with Posthumus is in Jeopardy and lead to Banis..