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  • Roses -  or, a Monograph of the Genus Rosa by active 1799-1828

Roses - or, a Monograph of the Genus Rosa by active 1799-1828

by Henry Cranke Andrews

Roses - or, a Monograph of the Genus Rosa by active 1799-1828 PDF edition and other Henry Cranke Andrews books available for free download from our library.


THE Rose, for matchless beauty famed, (although by botanists so disregarded) has been the Painter’s study and the Poet’s theme, for ages past, and will no doubt for ages yet to come; long after many a curious Nondescript shall in a dusty hortus siccus sleep, unnoticed and unknown.

The intention of the author in the delineation of this unrivalled tribe, is to arrange as accurately as possible the numerous beautiful varieties, with their species—an arduous task, considering the neglect they have experienced, and the wild and indiscriminate manner in which they have been profusely mixed. This, aided by an heterogeneous mode of culture, has produced many varieties, the lineal descent of which is very difficult to ascertain.

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