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The Steam Fire Engine and the Old-time Fire Bell

The Steam Fire Engine and the Old-time Fire Bell

by Anonymous

The steam fire engine on display in Carillon Park represents the third, and perhaps most colorful, phase of man’s long battle against fire. During the time of the bucket brigade, fire-fighting was carried on without the help of machinery. A great step forward occurred with development of hand-operated pumping machines in the early 18th Century. Lat..

Elementary Botany

Elementary Botany

by George Francis Atkinson

The present book is the result of a revision and elaboration of the author’s “Elementary Botany,” New York, 1898. The general plan of the parts on physiology and general morphology remains unchanged. A number of the chapters in the physiological part are practically untouched, while others are thoroughly revised and considerable new matter is added..

Harper's Electricity Book for Boys

Harper's Electricity Book for Boys

by Joseph H. Adams

If a handy-book of electricity like this had fallen into the hands of Thomas A. Edison when he was a newsboy on the Grand Trunk Railway, or when he was a telegraph operator, he would have devoured it with the utmost eagerness. To be sure, at that time, in the early sixties, all that we knew of electricity and its applications could have been told i..

The New Astronomy

The New Astronomy

by S. P. Langley

The New Astronomy's author S. P. Langley's specifies in his introductory remark as I have written these pages, not for the professional reader, but with the hope of reaching a part of that educated public on whose support he is so often dependent for the means of extending the boundaries of knowledge.It is not generally understood that am..

Intelligence in Plants and Animals

Intelligence in Plants and Animals

by Thomas G. Gentry

Nothing is more charming to the mind of man than the study of Nature. Religion, moderation and magnanimity have been made a part of his inner being through her teachings, and the soul has been rescued by her influence from obscurity. No longer doth man grovel in the dust, seeking, animal-like, the gratification of low and base desires, as was his w..

The Birds of Australia, Vol. 1 of 7

The Birds of Australia, Vol. 1 of 7

by John Gould

Having in the summer of 1837 brought my work on the “Birds of Europe” to a successful termination, I was naturally desirous of turning my attention to the Ornithology of some other region; and a variety of concurring circumstances induced me to select that of Australia, the Birds of which, though invested with the highest degree of interest, had be..

The Evolution Theory, Vol. 2 of 2

The Evolution Theory, Vol. 2 of 2

by August Weismann

We have endeavoured to explain the handing on of the complement of heritable qualities from one generation to another as due to a continuity of the germ-plasm, and we assumed that the germ-cells never arise except from cells in the 'germ-track'; that is, from cells which are equipped, from the fertilized egg-cell onwards, with a complete sample of ..

The Lore of the Honey-Bee

The Lore of the Honey-Bee

by Tickner Edwardes

One of the oldest and prettiest fables in ancient mythology is that which deals with the origin of the honey-bee.  It was to Melissa and her sister Amalthea, the beautiful daughters of the King of Crete, that the god Jupiter was entrusted by his mother Ops, when Saturn, his father—following his custom of devouring his children at birth—sought ..