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PDF Books in Science-Fiction

The First Man On the Moon

The First Man On the Moon

by Alfred Coppel

The ship lay at a crazy angle on the stark whiteness of the pumice plain. The rocket nozzles were a fused lump of slag; the fire-darkened hull crumpled and warped by the impact of landing. And there was silence ... complete and utter silence.There could be no return. Thurmon realized this. At first the thought had brought panic, but, as the scope o..

Machine of Klamugra

Machine of Klamugra

by Allen Kim Lang

Klaggchallak, his fur nose-flaps pulled tight against his nostrils, stumbled up to the gleaming pinnacle of steel that seemed to offer shelter against the night. He felt a dust-storm gathering in the west, and knew that not even the tough skin of a Martian priest could withstand the angry whippings of sand lashed up by the wind-warlocks of the dese..

Eternal Zemmd Must Die!

Eternal Zemmd Must Die!

by Henry Hasse

Eternal Zemmd Must Die! is an adventure story written by Henry Hasse.We have remained indecisive too long! You must understand this! The future, perhaps the very existence of the Federation hangs in the balance unless we can correlate all that has happened and decide upon a course of action NOW....DeHarries, Correlator for Earth, paced alone in his..

Moon of Treason

Moon of Treason

by Emmett McDowell

Moon of Treason is a science fiction short story written by Emmett McDowell as part of the Planet stories magazine.Clyde Vickers shuffled awkwardly down the gangplank. After two years on Jupiter he felt buoyant as a toy balloon in the mild gravity of Earth's satellite. Every step he expected to go sailing over the heads of the other passengers—up, ..



by Roger D. Aycock

Winant followed the lanky sheriff down the jail corridor past rows of empty, plank-walled cells and drew a sharp breath of relief when they found the last cubicle still tenanted."That's Uncle Ivor, all right," Winant said. "Sorry he caused you so much trouble, sheriff, but I'll be glad to pay his fine. What's the charge against him?"The sheriff rub..

Alpha Say, Beta Do

Alpha Say, Beta Do

by Alfred E. Maxwell

Alpha Say, Beta Do is a science fiction short story written by Alfred E. Maxwell and published in Planet stories magazine. Doyle Tindar was awakened by the urgent buzzing of the visor-phone by his bed. He grumbled, rolled over, glanced at the view-plate and winced as he saw the fat, grim face of the Control Board Director, Sam Penset. He sat up, ya..

The Sun-Death

The Sun-Death

by Stanley Whiteside

The Sun-Death is a space opera written  by Stanley Whiteside for Planet stories magazine.The Spaceship Vulcan lay on a tangled mat of vegetation. A thin haze of blue smoke drifted over it from the nearby Venusian village where several of the grass huts were afire. Under the bulging side of the ship twenty of the crew were boisterously herding ..

Z-Day on Centauri

Z-Day on Centauri

by Henry T. Simmons

Z-Day on Centauri is a space ship story written by Henry T. Simmons.Pell twisted into the black maw of the alley and ran silently and swiftly into its depths. His breath came in whistling agonized gasps. Faintly he heard the footsteps of his assailant—now more clearly as the latter turned into the alley after him. Vaguely Pell could make out his si..