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Black Priestess of Varda

Black Priestess of Varda

by Erik Fennel

Eldon made a choked sound that was partly a shout of anger and partly a whimper of frustration. He crumpled the note, hurled the pen clumsily toward the far wall, and buried his disfigured face in the curve of his single arm. His body shook with sobs of self-pity.There was only an inch or so left in the bottle. He finished it in a single gulp and f..

Temptress of Planet Delight

Temptress of Planet Delight

by Betsy Curtis

When the alarm signalled the first whiff of the atmosphere of the next planet on his route, Herl Hofner stopped chinning by his strapping six-foot self and left the little gym. Slipping into the swivel chair at the desk he clipped the pile of loose papers into an empty niche at the side of the desk, spun the chair around to the instrument panel of ..

Ricardo's Virus

Ricardo's Virus

by William Tenn

Graff Dingle stolidly watched yellow mold form around the stiletto hole in his arm. He smelled the first faint jasmine odor of the disease and glanced up to where the sun glowed unhappily behind a mass of dirty clouds and wind-driven rain.Dingle kicked morosely at the Heatwave thug left behind to ambush him, and the charred body turned soughingly i..

The Builders

The Builders

by Fox B. Holden

The younger occupant of the low-circling aircraft nodded his understanding. "There'd be enough room on either side of the Big Mountains to take care of millions more of us, I guess. But I think you're right. Anyway, there isn't another nomad or ruin-dweller on the planet. New City is as complete as it's going to be—and as you say, twelve million is..

Voyage to Procyon

Voyage to Procyon

by Robert Silverberg

In the deepest level of the mighty Starship I, Peter Conroy lay hidden in a cornfield. Around him waved the tall stalks of ripening corn; high overhead, near the distant ceiling of the level, blazed the actinic lights that irradiated the broad field.And nearby, Conroy could hear the stealthy footsteps of Bayliss Kent and his men, searching desperat..

You'll Like It On Mars

You'll Like It On Mars

by Tom W. Harris

On the way to the preview room I mulled it over. Nice simple assignment. Find out how Renn Kettering of PGP Studios had shot those startling sequences Mars Hazard, an international hit. It was super realism—the critics were calling it "Art's answer to the newsreel" and stuff like that. The scenes had been shot on Mars. Renn had fabulous influence. ..

Revolt of the Devil Star

Revolt of the Devil Star

by Ross Rocklynne

The story of Darkness has been told. Darkness, the dreamer who crossed the immeasurable gulf of lightless emptiness between two universes. He, an energy creature tens of millions of miles in girth, sought the answer to life. Perhaps he found that answer in death, when he mated in the thus-far inaccessible forty-eighth band of life.And the story of ..

Beyond the Ultra-Violet

Beyond the Ultra-Violet

by Frank M. Robinson

You better take your money back, mister. Thanks a lot but—no thanks. I wasn't panhandling, my hat fell off and I was trying to find it on the sidewalk. Thanks again for finding it for me but I think I could have managed. And, no offense, but I can find my way all right without being led.You're surprised that I'm rather young, huh? Well, youth isn't..