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PDF Books in Science-Fiction

Prisoner of War

Prisoner of War

by Randall Garrett

Marten wasn't prepared for it when the alien tractor-beam grabbed his little ship. He had been in the Fourth Quadrant of Fless territory, threading an uneasy course through the extraterrestrials' home grounds, but he hadn't expected to be caught so suddenly or so hard. The ship stopped in mid-flight abruptly—so abruptly that Marten's head was slamm..

Beyond the Fearful Forest

Beyond the Fearful Forest

by Robert W. Krepps

The bones lie light in the fertile soil of Sunset Fields. You can prod them out with a few thrusts of your bare toes. The roots of the big luxurious tree ferns carry skulls and skins and back-bones up to the frond-filtered shining of day, and even the delicately questing purple tendrils of the burrowflower may drag an occasional finger or toe bone ..

Perfect Companion

Perfect Companion

by John McGreevey

The thing was not large. About the size of a large dog. It lay on its metallic side on the operating table, and it was alive. In its own way, it lived ... because Craig Stevens had given it life.Now, Craig stroked that metallic surface and smiled. "Very well, Sheila," he said pleasantly. "Get out. Get out and never come back. I'm not keeping you." ..

The Fall of Archy House

The Fall of Archy House

by Tom W. Harris

For the first time in his life he felt desperate. A cool head and a habit of never being wrong had got him where he was—founder and top banana of Full-Projection, sole owner of three TV networks using the revolutionary 3-D devices perfected by Otto Kahler and patented by Archy. In the present emergency, he tried to keep his head still cool and cont..

Hold Back Tomorrow

Hold Back Tomorrow

by Kris Neville

Clyde put his hands behind him, found the top of the wall, and drew himself up until he could sit on the stones. He looked down at her, his chin level with her brown curls; he looked as if he had half expected her to turn and walk away, and when she did not, he smiled uncertainly. The fear gone, now, she tilted her head and looked at him out of the..

House Operator

House Operator

by S. M. Tenneshaw

Rafferty was a gambler of the old school. He didn't believe in any of the fancy electronic gadgets that the casinos went in for these days, didn't much care for the psionic games of chance and other tricky and probably rigged affairs. Give him a good poker game any time, and he would be happy.He stood in the door of the Ganymede Casino, outlining h..

The Cosmic Looters

The Cosmic Looters

by Alexander Blade

Duncan Wyatt sprang up, grabbed his gun and started toward the door before he had his eyes properly open. His ears were ringing with the explosive roar that had awakened him and the pre-fab shack still quivered in the shock wave.He crouched in the doorway and peered out onto the mesa. The unorthodox shape of the experimental ultra-tight-beam transm..

The Ambassador's Pet

The Ambassador's Pet

by Alexander Blade

Our instructions came in detail a little while later. We were to hover over Aldebaran VII and give a special signal; a transfer-tug would come up to us from the surface and hand the Ambassador and his pet over to us. Under no conditions were we to land on Aldebaran VII itself; the natives would regard it as a breach of the truce that currently exis..