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PDF Books in Science-Fiction

I'll See You In My Dreams

I'll See You In My Dreams

by William Campbell Gault

She was enjoying the sun. She wore a skimpy halter and a pair of shorts that were. She was well oiled and lying on her stomach. The tan of her shoulders and along the back of her legs was a fine wheat brown and she was due to turn over.Ted was not lascivious, though Ann Truesdale had frequently stated he almost was. Ted, to put it honestly, was thi..

The Mannion Court-Martial

The Mannion Court-Martial

by Randall Garrett

He turned away, not wanting to see his wife's tearstreaked face. A torrent of conflicting emotions raged within him despite the calm exterior he maintained. All his life he had dreamed of the Patrol and its glory; he had worked toward that one end. Four years at the Academy, two more in apprentice-work, then finally the commission and the assignmen..

Reality Unlimited

Reality Unlimited

by Robert Silverberg

Paul Hendriks had been in line since early the morning before, and so he was only a block or so from the still-unopened ticket-booth. His wife had come by from time to time, bringing sandwiches and coffee. Hendriks was determined to get a pair of tickets. They stepped inside and found themselves in a vast, almost boundless vestibule carpeted with d..

Skid Row Pilot

Skid Row Pilot

by Randall Garrett

Kendall's six-month exam had been scheduled to fall due about four days after he left Earth for his present run. A midflight due-date of this sort gave him an option: he could take the test four days early, on Earth, or he could wait till the journey was completed and be tested at the Mars end of the run.He had chosen Mars, since otherwise he would..

Cry Chaos!

Cry Chaos!

by Dwight V. Swain

They got the great silver ship's hatches pried open, finally, and dragged Shane out by his heels. They dumped him on his face in the gravel and cinders of the ramp like a pole-axed huecco. He wasn't a particularly big man, as men came out here in the spaceways. But there was a spare, hard quality to his close-knit body, and the old scars that marke..

The Moon Maker

The Moon Maker

by Robert W. Wood

When the world-war was at its height, wireless messages signed with the name "Pax" had been received at the Naval Observatory at Washington, in which the sender declared himself capable of controlling the forces of nature. These mysterious messages were followed by the occurrence of extraordinary natural phenomena such as violent seismic shocks and..

Woman's World

Woman's World

by Robert Silverberg

Coming up out of five centuries of sleep was like fighting my way up from the bottom of the sea. I was blind, I was choking, I was mangled by the pressure. All I could think was that I had to get up and out, up and out.My sleep-cramped brain battled toward consciousness. The blackness around me gave way to deep violet, then gray, then a vague color..



by Frank M. Robinson

Clark Street, just north of Chicago's Loop, was the symbol of a million things, all of them bad, Manning thought. Bumpy paving bricks rutted with street car tracks and bordered on both sides by cheap saloons and quarter-a-night flop houses. Hot summer nights when the drunks clustered like flies on the sidewalks and Newberry Park was crowded with cr..