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PDF Books in Science-Fiction

Test Problem

Test Problem

by Alan J. Ramm

When he came to the head of the examination corridor, Jeremy glanced briefly at the slip of paper in his hand. Room 16B. He strode unhesitatingly down the long hall; his long legs carrying him along swiftly. After six years at the University, he knew the exact location of the tiny testing cubicle which had been assigned to him for his final exam in..

The Fugitives

The Fugitives

by Malcolm B. Morehart

Jeff Engel studied the feverish crowd hurrying through the subway turnstiles. As he checked each passing face against a card-index mind, he smiled to himself. Even when off duty, the habit persisted. There was always the chance he'd spot a face that would fit, one that would close another active file in Missing Persons Bureau.A mousey little guy sl..

Lesson for Today

Lesson for Today

by Joel Nydahl

Clutching Robbie in her arms and holding him tight, Helen Thompson sat down wearily on the ground. The cold and dampness was all around her, boring through the thin cotton dress she wore. Her flesh was cold and her dark brown hair hung in ringlets over her forehead. She wore no shoes. She had lost them miles back, near the ruins at the edge of Chic..



by Hal Annas

Jerry Kerran watched the news analyst fade from the screen to be replaced by a woman who looked directly at him and said, "Listen, girls! Professor Madigan's greatest invention. A new kind of magnetism more powerful than gravity. Works as a supplement to a natural magnetism. Can be controlled—"Kerran switched off the current. "Women," he growled. "..

The Scandalized Martians

The Scandalized Martians

by Arnold Marmor

David Fry resigned the following day. Tortured and abused actors and actresses celebrated for three days and three nights. Dwight Howard didn't have to accept the resignation as Fry was bound to Silver Studios by an iron clad contract. But a director's work gets sloppy if his heart isn't in it. So out went David Fry, the realist. Nobody in Hollywoo..

The Young Diana -  An Experiment of the Future

The Young Diana - An Experiment of the Future

by Marie Corelli

Once upon a time, in earlier and less congested days of literary effort, an Author was accustomed to address the Public as “Gentle Reader.” It was a civil phrase, involving a pretty piece of flattery. It implied three things: first, that if the Reader were not “gentle,” the Author’s courtesy might persuade him or her to become so—secondly, that cri..



by Stephen Marlowe

Captain Greene shook his shaggy head and studied Allerton with patient eyes. "You're making a mistake," he said. "You'll be back."  The inside of the spaceship was quiet now, not with the silence of the tomb, but with the silence of barely inaudible echoes as if Allerton might still be able to hear the crew clomping about the companionways on ..

John's Other Practice

John's Other Practice

by Bryce Walton

I knew that John Cunningham had been warned on graduation day that no man with a romantic nature should specialize in gynecology. John was not only a romanticist; he was also the best looking intern north of the equator.The laws of probability functioned. Within three years, John Cunningham was married, divorced, disgraced and flat broke. And so it..