PDF Books in Science-Fiction
Shadows in Zamboula
by Robert E. HowardShadows in Zamboula is a fantasy novella written by Robert E. Howard and published in Weird Tales Magazine. Excerpts from the story below.Conan shifted his broad sword-belt to his liking, and calmly returned the searching stares directed at him by the squad of watchmen as they swung past. They eyed him curiously and suspiciously, for he was a ..
The Devil in Iron
by Robert E. HowardThe Devil in Iron is part of the collection of weird tales written by Robert E. Howard featuring the fictitious hero Conan. Excerpts below.The fisherman climbed over the debris and peered in, and what he saw brought a grunt from him. Within the ruined dome, surrounded by stone-dust and bits of broken masonry, lay a man on the golden block. He ..
The People of the Black Circle
by Robert E. HowardThe People of the Black Circle featuring Robert E. Howard's fictitious hero Conan which is published in the Weird Tales Magazine. Excerpts below.The king of Vendhya was dying. Through the hot, stifling night the temple gongs boomed and the conchs roared. Their clamor was a faint echo in the gold-domed chamber where Bunda Chand struggled on the..
A Witch Shall Be Born
by Robert E. HowardA Witch Shall Be Born is a fantasy novella written by Robert E. Howard for Weird Tales Magazine and published as part of Conan series of stories. Excerpts below.Taramis, queen of Khauran, awakened from a dream-haunted slumber to a silence that seemed more like the stillness of nighted catacombs than the normal quiet of a sleeping place. She la..
Jewels of Gwahlur
by Robert E. HowardJewels of Gwahlur is a science fiction fantasy novella written by Robert E. Howard featuring his fictitious hero Conan for the Weird tales Magazine. Excerpts from the book.Conan the Cimmerian, late of the Baracha Isles, of the Black Coast, and of many other climes where life ran wild, had come to the kingdom of Keshan following the lure of a f..
Shadows in the Moonlight
by Robert E. HowardShadows in the Moonlight is a sequel to Robert E. Howard's previous work Shadows in Zamboula, featuring the hero Conan and published in Weird Tales Magazine. Excerpts below.Olivia, staring up from the ground, saw what she took to be either a savage or a madman advancing on Shah Amurath in an attitude of deadly menace. He was powerfully bu..
Red Nails
by Robert E. HowardWEIRD TALES published a story called "The Phoenix on the Sword," built around a barbarian adventurer named Conan, who had become king of a country by sheer force of valor and brute strength. The author of that story was Robert E. Howard, who was already a favorite with the readers of this magazine for his stories of Solomon Kane, the dour English P..
Goma's Follicles
by Dorothy De CourcyGoma's Follicles, by John de Courcy. The Franklin was the newest and best ship of the Morgan Interstellar Transportation Corporation. It was plain from the Captain's pouter-pigeon stance that he too was aware of this fact. The only jarring note in Captain Webster's mind was the unscheduled stop at Procyon IV. He glanced again at the yellow blank in..