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PDF Books in Children's Science-Fiction

You Can't Buy Eternity!

You Can't Buy Eternity!

by Dwight V. Swain

Swooping down too fast out of the eternal dust-clouds that shrouded the Venusian sky, it crested a hillock by such a narrow margin as to spray sand high into the never-ending wind, then veered right in a crazy arc.Another hillock. The carrier struck it a glancing blow that churned up new clouds of sand and dust as it skated diagonally down the slop..

Beware, the Usurpers!

Beware, the Usurpers!

by Robert W. Krepps

There was an old army officer, leathered and permanently tanned by decades of the dreadful Indian sun; he wore a short grizzled mustache and a stern, rather stuffy expression. There was a man of about fifty who could not have been anything but a physician, so scrubbed and competent he seemed. There was a youngish fellow with only one arm, and anoth..

Kill Me if You Can!

Kill Me if You Can!

by Randall Garrett

Bartol stood on the balcony of the Grand Palace and waved, smilingly, at the throngs of people below. He couldn't help it; he struggled silently against the implanted hypnotic commands, but it did no good. He waved and smiled. And the crowd cheered automatically for their Autarch.And then the energy bolt slammed against the metaglass window that se..

Six Frightened Men

Six Frightened Men

by Robert Silverberg

The thing was at least sixty feet tall and all eyes and mouth. The mouth yawned, showing yellow daggers a foot long. As for the eyes—well, they burned with the cold luminosity of an intelligent and inimical being. I didn't know what the thing was. One minute I'd been examining an interesting rock formation, a second later I was hiding behind it, wa..

The Three Thieves of Japetus

The Three Thieves of Japetus

by Mark Reinsberg

Jake moistened his thin purple lips and clenched the radiophone tighter. "Hello, freighter!" he repeated. "We're survivors of a shipwreck. Can you pick us up? Please answer." His voice grew more urgent. "Please pick us up! Our air supply is failing!"Matt shook his thick black head of hair. "If they fall for this, they're stupider than I gave them c..

The Green Millennium

The Green Millennium

by Fritz Leiber

The world Phil Gish lived in was not a pretty one, and Phil didn't enjoy living in it. He was disillusioned, purposeless, hopeless, and haunted by the fear that a robot would take over his job. But then Phil was a timid person, not much given to adventure seeking. If he hadn't been so mild he might have found his kicks at All Amusements, the syndic..

Bring Back My Brain!

Bring Back My Brain!

by Dwight V. Swain

The face came with the laughter, floating through the swirling radiance as a shadow drifts through fog. Hollow-cheeked, hollow-eyed, hairless as a sand-scoured, tide-washed skull, it hovered before Dane like a living death's-head, closer than ever before.Where previously had he known this Being-Without-A-Name, Dane wondered? What malicious trick of..

Guardians of the Tower

Guardians of the Tower

by Randall Garrett

That morning, the sun rose bright and clear over the Tower. Jon woke, clambered to his feet, and rolled his sleeping-blanket. Within five minutes, he was fully awake and ready to protect the Tower against its enemies.He took his station and stared out over the sea. Far in the distance, he could make out the bomb-blackened city; off to the left was ..