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Harvesting Ants and Trap-Door Spiders

Harvesting Ants and Trap-Door Spiders

by J. Traherne Moggridge

Claudius Ælianus, who lived in the time of Hadrian, gives a detailed account of the habits which he attributes to ants, from which the following is a translation: "In summer time, after harvest, while the ears are being threshed the ants pry about in troops around the threshing floors, leaving their homes, and going singly, in pairs, or sometimes t..

The Herschels and Modern Astronomy

The Herschels and Modern Astronomy

by Agnes Mary Clerke

The chief authority for the Life of Sir William Herschel is Mrs. John Herschel’s “Memoir of Caroline Herschel” (London, 1876). It embodies Caroline’s Journals and Recollections, the accuracy of which is above suspicion. William himself, indeed, referred to her for dates connected with his early life. The collateral sources of information are few an..



by Ernest Rutherford

In this work, I have endeavoured to give a complete and connected account, from a physical standpoint, of the properties possessed by the naturally radio-active bodies. Although the subject is comparatively a new one, our knowledge of the properties of the radio-active substances has advanced with great rapidity, and there is now a very large amoun..

The Clerk of the Woods

The Clerk of the Woods

by Bradford Torrey

The chapters of this book were written week by week for simultaneous publication in the “Evening Transcript” of Boston and the “Mail and Express” of New York, and were intended to be a kind of weekly chronicle of the course of events out-of-doors, as witnessed by a natural-historical observer. The title of the volume is the running title under whic..

Structure and Functions of the Body

Structure and Functions of the Body

by Annette Fiske

Although there are already in existence many books on anatomy and physiology for nurses, none with which I am acquainted has seemed to me to provide in concise form just the knowledge needed by the nurse in her profession. Most of them, moreover, separate the anatomy from the physiology and all treat the different systems of tissues separately, fir..

The dawn of astronomy

The dawn of astronomy

by Sir Norman Lockyer

The enormous advance which has been recently made in our astronomical knowledge, and in our power of investigating the various bodies which people space, is to a very great extent due to the introduction of methods of work and ideas from other branches of science. Much of the recent progress has been, we may indeed say, entirely dependent upon the ..

A monograph on sleep and dream -  their physiology and psychology

A monograph on sleep and dream - their physiology and psychology

by Edward W. Cox

Some papers on the Phenomena of Sleep and Dream, read before The Psychological Society of Great Britain, having excited much interest and caused considerable discussion, I was requested to put them into the more formal shape of a treatise. For this purpose I found it necessary to recast and rewrite the whole.The modern endeavour to pursue Psycholog..

Cadet Life at West Point

Cadet Life at West Point

by Hugh T. Reed

I believe it to be well established that the mental habits are fully as strong as the physical habits of man. That is, thought moves in grooves day after day and day after day as walks in life do. The habit of retrospectant thought fastened itself upon me several years ago, and the habit confined itself largely and almost irresistibly to my life at..