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Butterflies and Moths, Shown to the Children

Butterflies and Moths, Shown to the Children

by Theodore Wood

In this little book I want to tell you something about the common butterflies and moths which you may find in almost all parts of the country. But, first of all, I think that perhaps I had better say something about what we generally call their “life-history.”Of course you know that butterflies and moths are not butterflies and moths to begin with...

The Sea-Shore, Shown to the Children

The Sea-Shore, Shown to the Children

by Theodore Wood

This book is intended to help little boys and girls to use their eyes. The world is full of beautiful sights and wonderful creatures; and some of the most beautiful and wonderful of all are to be seen on the sea-shore. So I have tried to tell boys and girls, who are fortunate enough to visit the sea-side, what they ought to look for, and where they..

Trees, Shown to the Children

Trees, Shown to the Children

by C. E. Smith

In this little book I have written about some of the trees which you are likely to find growing wild in this country, and Miss Kelman has painted for you pictures of these trees, with drawings of the leaves and flowers and fruit, so that it will be easy for you to tell the name of each tree. But I think there is one question which you are sure to a..

The Flowering Plants of South Africa (Vol. 3)

The Flowering Plants of South Africa (Vol. 3)

by I.B. Pole Capart

In the Botanical Magazine, an excellent figure of this species was given with some critical notes by Sir Joseph Hooker on the taxonomic affinities of the species, and recently (Kew Bulletin, 1920) Mr. J. Hutchinson dealt more fully with the group represented by our plant. He has established Bojer’s MS. name Clematopsis, under which he describes 15 ..

Gleanings from the Note-book of a Field Geologist

Gleanings from the Note-book of a Field Geologist

by Sir Archibald Geikie

The present Volume has been written among the rocks which it seeks to describe, during the intervals of leisure of a field-geologist. Its composition has been carried on by snatches, often short and far apart, some of the descriptions having been jotted down on the spot by streamlet and hill-side, or in the quiet of old quarries; others, again, in ..

Sun Tzŭ on the Art of War -  The Oldest Military Treatise in the World

Sun Tzŭ on the Art of War - The Oldest Military Treatise in the World

by Lionel Giles

The seventh volume of “Mémoires concernant l’histoire, les sciences, les arts, les mœurs, les usages, &c., des Chinois” is devoted to the Art of War, and contains, amongst other treatises, “Les Treize Articles de Sun-tse,” translated from the Chinese by a Jesuit Father, Joseph Amiot. Père Amiot appears to have enjoyed no small reputation as a s..

The Butterflies and Moths of Teneriffe

The Butterflies and Moths of Teneriffe

by A. E. Holt White

To a detailed description of the Lepidoptera of Teneriffe, so far as they are at present known, an introductory chapter has been added, for the benefit of novices in the study and collection of butterflies and moths. Those, for whom fresh air and a certain amount of exercise are essential, can hardly find any more health-giving or light interesting..

The Life of the Scorpion

The Life of the Scorpion

by Jean-Henri Fabre

he Scorpion is an uncommunicative creature, secret in his practices and disagreeable to deal with, so that his history, apart from anatomical detail, amounts to little or nothing. The scalpel of the experts has made us acquainted with his organic structure; but no observer, as far as I know, has thought of interviewing him, with any sort of persist..