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by Thomas Henry HuxleyI HAVE selected to-night the particular subject of Yeast for two reasons—or, rather, I should say for three. In the first place, because it is one of the simplest and the most familiar objects with which we are acquainted. In the second place, because the facts and phenomena which I have to describe are so simple that it is possible to put them bef..
Outlines of Dairy Bacteriology
by H. L. RussellKnowledge in dairying, like all other technical industries, has grown mainly out of experience. Many facts have been learned by observation, but the why of each is frequently shrouded in mystery. Modern dairying is attempting to build its more accurate knowledge upon a broader and surer foundation, and in doing this is seeking to ascertain the caus..
by Thomas Hunt MorganThis volume is the outcome of a course of five lectures on “Regeneration and Experimental Embryology,” given in Columbia University in January, 1900. The subjects dealt with in the lectures are here more fully treated and are supplemented by the discussion of a number of related topics. During the last few years the problems connected with the rege..
A Tangled Tale
by Lewis CarrollTangled Tale is a collection of 10 brief humorous stories by Lewis Carroll (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson), published serially between April 1880 and March 1885 in The Monthly Packet magazine. Arthur B. Frost added illustrations when the series was printed in book form. The stories, or Knots as Carroll calls them, present mathematical problems. In a lat..
An Essay On The Foundations Of Geometry
by Bertrand RussellAn Essay on the Foundations of Geometry was first published in 1897, and is based on Russell's Cambridge dissertation as well as lectures given during a journey through the USA. Bertrand Russell's Preface from the book:The present work is based on a dissertation submitted at the Fellowship Examination of Trinity College, Cambridge, in the year..
Are the Planets Inhabited?
by E. Walter MaunderThe first thought that men had concerning the heavenly bodies was an obvious one: they were lights. There was a greater light to rule the day; a lesser light to rule the night; and there were the stars also. In those days there seemed an immense difference between the earth upon which men stood, and the bright objects that shone down upon it from t..
Astronomical Instruments and Accessories
by William GaertnerIn the following pages we have endeavored to give to our customers an idea of the line of astronomical instruments of the latest and most improved types which we have constructed for some of the leading observatories as mentioned in the text. We feel that this series of illustrations may not only be of general interest, but also of service in helpi..
Astronomy for Amateurs
by Camille FlammarionThe Science of Astronomy is sublime and beautiful. Noble, elevating, consoling, divine, it gives us wings, and bears us through Infinitude. In these ethereal regions all is pure, luminous, and splendid. Dreams of the Ideal, even of the Inaccessible, weave their subtle spells upon us. The imagination soars aloft, and aspires to the sources of Eterna..