PDF Books in Science
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A Text-book of Astronomy
by George C. ComstockThe present work is not a compendium of astronomy or an outline course of popular reading in that science. It has been prepared as a text-book, and the author has purposely omitted from it much matter interesting as well as important to a complete view of the science, and has endeavored to concentrate attention upon those parts of the subject that ..
Recreations in Astronomy
by Henry WarrenRecreations in Astronomy With Directions for Practical Experiments and Telescopic Work. All sciences are making an advance, but Astronomy is moving at the double-quick. Since the principles of this science were settled by Copernicus, four hundred years ago, it has never had to beat a retreat. It is rewritten not to correct material errors, but to i..
Side-lights on Astronomy and Kindred Fields
by Simon NewcombIn preparing and issuing this collection of essays and addresses, the author has yielded to what he could not but regard as the too flattering judgment of the publishers. Having done this, it became incumbent to do what he could to justify their good opinion by revising the material and bringing it up to date. Interest rather than unity of thought ..
Sir William Herschel - His Life and Works
by Edward S. HoldenIn the following account of the life and works of Sir William Herschel, I have been obliged to depend strictly upon data already in print—the Memoir of his sister, his own scientific writings and the memoirs and diaries of his contemporaries. The review of his published works will, I trust, be of use. It is based upon a careful study of all his pap..
The Story of Eclipses
by George F. ChambersThe present Volume is intended as a sequel to my two former volumes in the Newnes Series of “Useful Stories,” entitled respectively the “Story of the Solar System,” and the “Story of the Stars.” It has been written not only as a necessary complement, so to speak, to those works, but because public attention is already being directed to the forthcom..
The Story of the Heavens
by Robert S. BallThe Story of the Heavens" is the title of our book. We have indeed a wondrous story to narrate; and could we tell it adequately it would prove of boundless interest and of exquisite beauty. It leads to the contemplation of grand phenomena in nature and great achievements of human genius.The history of Astronomy is, in one respect, only too like man..
The Machinery of the Universe - Mechanical Conceptions of Physical Phenomena
by Amos Emerson DolbearFor thirty years or more the expressions “Correlation of the Physical Forces” and “The Conservation of Energy” have been common, yet few persons have taken the necessary pains to think out clearly what mechanical changes take place when one form of energy is transformed into another.Since Tyndall gave us his book called Heat as a Mode of Motion nei..
The Uses of Astronomy
by Edward EverettThe undersigned ventures to put forth this report of Mr. Everett's Oration, in connection with a condensed account of the Inauguration of the Dudley Observatory, and the Dedication of the New State Geological Hall, at Albany,—in the hope that the demand which has exhausted the newspaper editions, may exhaust this as speedily as possible; not that h..