PDF Books in Science
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Time and Tide - A Romance of the Moon
by Robert S. BallTime and Tide: A Romance of the Moon is an astronomical lecture by Robert S. Ball. Preface of the Author:Having been honoured once again with a request that I should lecture before the London Institution, I chose for my subject the Theory of Tidal Evolution. The kind reception which these lectures received has led to their publication in the p..
Watchers of the Sky
by Alfred NoyesThis volume, while it is complete in itself, is also the first of a trilogy, the scope of which is suggested in the prologue. The story of scientific discovery has its own epic unity—a unity of purpose and endeavour—the single torch passing from hand to hand through the centuries; and the great moments of science when, after long labour, the pionee..
A Brief History of Element Discovery, Synthesis, and Analysis
by Glen W. WatsonA Brief History of Element Discovery, Synthesis, and Analysis written by Glen W. Watson.It is well known that the number of elements has grown from four in the days of the Greeks to 103 at present, but the change in methods needed for their discovery is not so well known. Up until 1939, only 88 naturally occurring elements had been discovered...
Experiments upon magnesia alba, Quicklime, and some other Alcaline Substances
by Joseph BlackBlack's Paper entitled "Experiments upon Magnesia Alba, Quicklime, and some other Alcaline Substances" was read in June 1755, and was first published in "Essays and Observations, Physical and Literary. Read before a Society in Edinburgh, and Published by them," Volume II., Edinburgh, 1756; pp. 157-225. It was subsequently reprinted several times du..
Five of Maxwell's Papers
by James Clerk MaxwellThis eBook includes 5 papers or speeches by James Clerk Maxwell.The contents are: Foramen Centrale Theory of Compound Colours Poinsot's Theory Address to the Mathematical Introductory LectureWhen observing the spectrum formed by looking at a long ve rtical slit through a simple prism, I no..
On the Antiquity of the Chemical Art
by James MactearThe study of the History of Chemistry as an art, or as a science, is one which possesses peculiar fascination for its votaries. It has been the subject of deep research and much discussion, much has been written upon the subject, and many theories have been broached to account for its origin. We have had laid before us by Professor Ferguson, in his..
by Isaac NewtonPart of the ensuing Discourse about Light was written at the Desire of some Gentlemen of the Royal-Society, in the Year 1675, and then sent to their Secretary, and read at their Meetings, and the rest was added about twelve Years after to complete the Theory; except the third Book, and the last Proposition of the Second, which were since put togeth..
The New Physics and Its Evolution
by Lucien PoincaréAuthor's Preface: During the last ten years so many works have accumulated in the domain of Physics, and so many new theories have been propounded, that those who follow with interest the progress of science, and even some professed scholars, absorbed as they are in their own special studies, find themselves at sea in a confusion more apparent than..