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  • Self-Help Mechanical Drawing: An Educational Treatise

Self-Help Mechanical Drawing: An Educational Treatise

by Nehemiah Hawkins

Self-Help Mechanical Drawing: An Educational Treatise PDF edition and other Nehemiah Hawkins books available for free download from our library.


It is because of a personal and practical experience of the advantage to be gained by the possession of a knowledge of drawing, that the author is prompted to undertake the rather pleasant task of producing a self-help book relating to the subject.

Since the days of youthful endeavor, the author has passed through an extended experience of mechanical life, and scarcely ever without chalk, pencil or instrument in hand, to illustrate by sketch or drawing, the tools to be employed, or to picture the finished product; accordingly, throughout this work, words of explanation and the drawings will go together to aid the diligent student.

It has been said by an eminent writer, that “one workman is superior to another—other circumstances being the same—directly in proportion to his knowledge in drawing, and those who are ignorant of it must in many respects be subservient to others who have obtained that knowledge.”

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